ELMOPRINT LINIE Z... EME - Series 2000

машины пищевой промышленности / машины для фруктов, овощей, гастрономии

Производитель: ELMOPRINT LINIE Z...

Модель:EME - Series 2000

Номер позиции: 166038568

Количество: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Год выпуска:

Местоположение: Land-de Германия willich


In this case, the containers to be labelled are fed in by hand. The system was used for cylindrical jars with a low height. They are first given a base label from below, turned by 180° using a turning basket, and then given F5350968 a security seal label from above. The labelled jars then run onto a storage table, offset by 90°.
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In this case, the containers to be labelled are fed in by hand. The system was used for cylindrical jars with a low height. They are first given a base label from below, turned by 180° using a turning basket, and then given F5350968 a security seal label F5350968 from above. The labelled jars then run onto a storage table, offset by 90°.
seller offer No. resale 166038568
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госпожá Petra Gerhardt
47877 Willich

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