Металлорежущие машины для нарезание внутренней резьбы DUMETA D-JS-16A

металлообрабатывающие станки / расточные станки и обрабатывающие центры / Металлорежущие машины для нарезание внутренней резьбы

Производитель: DUMETA


Тип техники: Металлорежущие машины для нарезание внутренней резьбы

Номер позиции: 156871907

Количество: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Год выпуска: новая машина

Местоположение: Land-de Германия Velen-Ramsdorf (46342)


Машина в наличии:Да


thread dia.: M5 - M16 mm
: 250 U/min.
: 48 Nm
air pressure: 6 - 8 bar
working area: 150 - 1900 mm
The pneumatically driven D-JSC tapping machine has, among other things, one
Air motor with quick chuck and a stable and flexible
Labor arm.

The mounting arm can be attached directly to the work table using the mounting
and is ready to work immediately. This means fast changeover times

It is possible to simply tap the tap to the desired hole
to be attached without having to position the component under the tap.

Version with an adjustable angle, whereby the quick chuck
can tilt so that horizontal tapping is also possible.
Pneumatic tapping machines W5329549 for M5 - M16 threads, angle adjustable.
6 pcs. Quick change chucks with slip clutch.

- Clamping table with T-slots: 750x600x650mm or 990x700x800mm.
- magnetic base.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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thread dia.: M5 - M16 mm
: 250 U/min.
: 48 Nm
air pressure: 6 - 8 bar
working area: 150 - 1900 mm
The pneumatically driven D-JSC tapping machine has, among other things, one
Air motor with quick chuck and a stable and flexible
Labor arm.

The mounting arm can be attached directly to the work table using the mounting
and is ready to work immediately. This means fast changeover times

It is possible to simply tap the tap to the desired hole
to be attached without having to position the component under the tap.

Version with an adjustable angle, whereby the quick chuck
can tilt so that horizontal tapping is also possible.
Pneumatic tapping machines W5329549 for M5 - M16 threads, W5329549 angle adjustable.
6 pcs. Quick change chucks with slip clutch.

- Clamping table with T-slots: 750x600x650mm or 990x700x800mm.
- magnetic base.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1108-69101
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WMT GmbH & Co. KG

господи́н Ewald Wendholt
46342 Velen-Ramsdorf

RESALE член с 2010

  • список машин (812)


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