Горизонтальный обрабатывающий центр HELLER MCH 250

металлообрабатывающие станки / фрезерные станки

Производитель: HELLER

Модель:MCH 250

Тип техники: Горизонтальный обрабатывающий центр

Номер позиции: 166541751

Количество: 1

Дата: 13.03.2025

Год выпуска: 2005

Местоположение: Land-DE Германия



This 4-axis HELLER MCH 250 horizontal machining centre was manufactured in 2005. It features a robust 43 kW drive power with speeds up to 6000 RPM and a rapid traverse speed of 60,000 mm/min. The machine supports a tool magazine capacity of 50 to 100 tools and a maximum clamping weight of 800 daN on its rotary table. If G5349640 you are looking to get high quality milling capabilities consider the HELLER MCH 250 machine we have for sale. Contact us for more information.
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This 4-axis HELLER MCH 250 horizontal machining centre was manufactured in 2005. It features a robust 43 kW drive power with speeds up to 6000 RPM and a rapid traverse speed of 60,000 mm/min. The machine supports a tool magazine capacity of 50 to 100 tools and a maximum clamping weight of 800 daN on its rotary table. If G5349640 you are looking to get high G5349640 quality milling capabilities consider the HELLER MCH 250 machine we have for sale. Contact us for more information.
seller offer No. resale DE-MIL-HEL-2005-00004
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господи́н Borja Garcia
67663 Kaiserslautern

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больше HELLER MCH 250 + similar HELLER-Модель

2006 HELLERMCH 250
2005 HELLERMCH 250
2005 HELLERMCH 250
2005 HELLERMCH 250
2006 HELLERMCH 250
2008 HELLERMCH 250
2008 HELLERMCH 450
2002 HELLERMCH-300
2008 HELLERMCH 450
2006 HELLERMCH 350

Цена: sold HELLER MCH 250 + подобные HELLER-Модель

2004 HELLERMCH 300 99000 EUR [Oct 2017]
2003 HELLERMCH 280 105000 EUR [Nov 2018]
2000 HELLERMCP H 250 40000 EUR [May 2014]