Станки с червячной шестерной фрезой PFAUTER PE 150 CNC/2013

металлообрабатывающие станки / зуборезные и зубофрезерные машины / Станки с червячной шестерной фрезой

Производитель: PFAUTER

Модель:PE 150 CNC/2013

Тип техники: Станки с червячной шестерной фрезой

Номер позиции: 166227992

Количество: 1

Дата: 13.03.2025

Год выпуска:

Местоположение: Niedersachsen


Машина в наличии:Да


max. wheel diameter: 150 mm
gear width: mm
max. module: 4
min. module:
control: Sinumerik 840 D
table diameter: 140 mm
maximum axial offset: 200 mm
milling tool taper: ISO 40
diameter of hob: max. 130 mm
cutter length max.: 220 mm
milling spindle speeds (infinitely variable): 300 - 1200 U/min
shifting: max. 170 mm
milling head -swivable +/-: 45 °
feed speeds: 1 - 1500 mm/min
rapid travel speed: 3000 m/min
workpiece magazin: Stück
max. workpiece diameter: im Magazin: 150 mm
total power requirement: 50 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 8,5 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 4,7 x 3,6 x 2,6 m
Condition: ready for operation:
Video(s) available on our website.:
Electric 400 Volt:
Used gear hobbing machine, Pfauter, P5319061 completely overhauled in 2023 by the
specialist company SerWeMa.
There is another identical machine available, but the spindle needs to be
overhauled. If you are interested, you can inquire about the lower price.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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max. wheel diameter: 150 mm
gear width: mm
max. module: 4
min. module:
control: Sinumerik 840 D
table diameter: 140 mm
maximum axial offset: 200 mm
milling tool taper: ISO 40
diameter of hob: max. 130 mm
cutter length max.: 220 mm
milling spindle speeds (infinitely variable): 300 - 1200 U/min
shifting: max. 170 mm
milling head -swivable +/-: 45 °
feed speeds: 1 - 1500 mm/min
rapid travel speed: 3000 m/min
workpiece magazin: Stück
max. workpiece diameter: im Magazin: 150 mm
total power requirement: 50 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 8,5 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 4,7 x 3,6 x 2,6 m
Condition: ready for operation:
Video(s) available on our website.:
Electric 400 Volt:
Used gear hobbing machine, Pfauter, P5319061 completely overhauled P5319061 in 2023 by the
specialist company SerWeMa.
There is another identical machine available, but the spindle needs to be
overhauled. If you are interested, you can inquire about the lower price.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1082-12371
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больше PFAUTER PE 150 CNC/2013 + similar PFAUTER-Модель


Цена: sold PFAUTER PE 150 CNC/2013 + подобные PFAUTER-Модель

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