Вертикальный обрабатывающий центр BROTHER Speedio M 300 X3

металлообрабатывающие станки / фрезерные станки

Производитель: BROTHER

Модель:Speedio M 300 X3

Тип техники: Вертикальный обрабатывающий центр

Номер позиции: 166541882

Количество: 1

Дата: 15.03.2025

Год выпуска: 2024

Местоположение: Land-SI Словения



This 5-axis Brother Speedio M 300 X3 vertical machining center was manufactured in 2024. It features a CNC-C00 control unit, with travel dimensions of 300 mm on the X-axis, 440 mm on the Y-axis, and 305 mm on the Z-axis. The machine supports a spindle speed of up to 16,000 min⁻¹ and a rapid traverse rate of 50 m/min. It has a tool G5349640 storage capacity of 22 tools. Consider the opportunity to buy this Brother Speedio M 300 X3 vertical machining center. Contact us for more information.
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This 5-axis Brother Speedio M 300 X3 vertical machining center was manufactured in 2024. It features a CNC-C00 control unit, with travel dimensions of 300 mm on the X-axis, 440 mm on the Y-axis, and 305 mm on the Z-axis. The machine supports a spindle speed of up to 16,000 min⁻¹ and a rapid traverse rate of 50 m/min. It has a tool G5349640 storage capacity of 22 tools. G5349640 Consider the opportunity to buy this Brother Speedio M 300 X3 vertical machining center. Contact us for more information.
seller offer No. resale SI-MIL-BRO-2024-00001
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