Ленточно-ленточной пилы - вертикальная BERNARDO VMS 520

металлообрабатывающие станки / пилы

Производитель: BERNARDO

Модель:VMS 520

Тип техники: Ленточно-ленточной пилы - вертикальная

Номер позиции: 156797530

Количество: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Год выпуска: новая машина

Местоположение: Land-de Германия Ahaus


Машина в наличии:Да


roll diameter: 520 mm
throat: 520 mm
workpiece height: 310 mm
cutting speed: 25 - 500 m/min
table surface area: 600 x 500 mm
band length: 3.880 x 3-16 mm mm
Table tiltable up to: 15° Grad
work height max.: 1000 mm
total power requirement: 1,5 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 500 kg.
dimensions of the machine ca.: 1,3 x 0,76 x 2,14 m
- Solid gray cast iron table
- Safe working is guaranteed by the large contact surface
- Standard with band welding device, annealing device
- Scissors and sharpening stone
- As standard with continuously adjustable cutting speed
- Machine body made of robust steel construction for smooth running
- Precision blade guide for optimal cutting results
- Ideal for sawing complicated contours and shapes
- Work table can be swiveled by 15 ° in all 4 directions
- Blow-out device with compressor included in delivery
- For A5316625 radius sawing saw bands from 3 mm wide available

scope of delivery:
- saw band
- Tape welding device with annealing device
- halogen light
- Scissors
- grindstone
- Chip brush
- blow-out device
- LED digital display
- Longitudinal table groove

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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roll diameter: 520 mm
throat: 520 mm
workpiece height: 310 mm
cutting speed: 25 - 500 m/min
table surface area: 600 x 500 mm
band length: 3.880 x 3-16 mm mm
Table tiltable up to: 15° Grad
work height max.: 1000 mm
total power requirement: 1,5 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 500 kg.
dimensions of the machine ca.: 1,3 x 0,76 x 2,14 m
- Solid gray cast iron table
- Safe working is guaranteed by the large contact surface
- Standard with band welding device, annealing device
- Scissors and sharpening stone
- As standard with continuously adjustable cutting speed
- Machine body made of robust steel construction for smooth running
- Precision blade guide for optimal cutting results
- Ideal for sawing complicated contours and shapes
- Work table can be swiveled by 15 ° in all 4 directions
- Blow-out device with compressor included in delivery
- For A5316625 radius sawing saw bands from A5316625 3 mm wide available

scope of delivery:
- saw band
- Tape welding device with annealing device
- halogen light
- Scissors
- grindstone
- Chip brush
- blow-out device
- LED digital display
- Longitudinal table groove

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1008-8170247
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A+B Werkzeug Maschinen Handels GmbH

господи́н Bahr
48683 Ahaus

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Цена: sold BERNARDO VMS 520 + подобные BERNARDO-Модель

BERNARDOVMS 310 3400 EUR [Aug 2018]