Мобильный пылеуловитель BERNARDO FT 302N

деревообрабатывающие станки / периферийное оборудование (например отопление, транспортировка, сушка)

Производитель: BERNARDO

Модель:FT 302N

Тип техники: Мобильный пылеуловитель

Номер позиции: 166555707

Количество: 1

Дата: 17.02.2025

Год выпуска: 2022 новая машина

Местоположение: Land-de Германия bei uns in Herrnzell

Цена: 790 EUR


intake connection: 180mm;
volume flow: 4200 m³/h;
chip bag volume: 2 x 175 l;
filter regeneration: manuell;
motor power: 3,8 kW;
machine diamensions: 1700 x 600 x 2400 mm (L x B x H);
weight: 69 kg;

The exhaust system FT 302 N impresses with its enormous suction power, high economy and the favorable price-performance ratio. Due to the possibility of connecting four machines at the same time, this model is also suitable for smaller workshops.

High air output due to aerodynamically shaped fan made of sheet steel
Ideal tool for extracting sawing, milling and wood shavings
Simultaneous G5345000 connection of four machines possible
Higher ease of use thanks to generous chip bag volume
Uncomplicated, fast chip bag change through tension belt
Increased mobility through standard suspension

filter bag
chip bag
drive system
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intake connection: 180mm;
volume flow: 4200 m³/h;
chip bag volume: 2 x 175 l;
filter regeneration: manuell;
motor power: 3,8 kW;
machine diamensions: 1700 x 600 x 2400 mm (L x B x H);
weight: 69 kg;

The exhaust system FT 302 N impresses with its enormous suction power, high economy and the favorable price-performance ratio. Due to the possibility of connecting four machines at the same time, this model is also suitable for smaller workshops.

High air output due to aerodynamically shaped fan made of sheet steel
Ideal tool for extracting sawing, milling and wood shavings
Simultaneous G5345000 connection of four G5345000 machines possible
Higher ease of use thanks to generous chip bag volume
Uncomplicated, fast chip bag change through tension belt
Increased mobility through standard suspension

filter bag
chip bag
drive system
seller offer No. resale 470
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