Вертикальные упаковочные машины типа флоу-пак AMTEC VFFS 4S-SH 40

упаковочные машины / упаковочные машины для сумок / Вертикальные упаковочные машины типа флоу-пак

Производитель: AMTEC

Модель:VFFS 4S-SH 40

Тип техники: Вертикальные упаковочные машины типа флоу-пак

Номер позиции: 160711805

Количество: 1

Дата: 23.01.2023

Год выпуска: 2023 новая машина

Местоположение: Land-de Германия Hamburg



PRO-Version High Performance vertical packaging machine for shaped bags (fin- OR 4-side-seal, to be decided in advance). OMRON PLC, interactive LCD touch panel display, automatic program-Set-Up, mark sensor, quick-change format unit, servomotor-sealing unit, SCHNEIDER servomotor for film transport with vacuum-belts. Stainless steel (SS304) version including hot printer (production date, etc.). Specifications: bag sizes: L(30-180)xW(30-60)mm | max. speed of the machine in neutral: 40 cycles/minute | 220V/2.5kW | 6bar, 0.55m?/min | machine dimensions: L1464xW1233xH1377mm | weight: 350kg.

Please note that our new prices are often below the usual used prices. Please feel free to B5317119 inquire and tell us your packaging task. - Usually 30-50 different new machines are available immediately from stock. In addition, we have very short delivery times from approx. 3 weeks for customized machines. Deviations from the sample photo are possible. - All machines are available with full warranty.
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PRO-Version High Performance vertical packaging machine for shaped bags (fin- OR 4-side-seal, to be decided in advance). OMRON PLC, interactive LCD touch panel display, automatic program-Set-Up, mark sensor, quick-change format unit, servomotor-sealing unit, SCHNEIDER servomotor for film transport with vacuum-belts. Stainless steel (SS304) version including hot printer (production date, etc.). Specifications: bag sizes: L(30-180)xW(30-60)mm | max. speed of the machine in neutral: 40 cycles/minute | 220V/2.5kW | 6bar, 0.55m?/min | machine dimensions: L1464xW1233xH1377mm | weight: 350kg.

Please note that our new prices are often below the usual used prices. Please feel free to B5317119 inquire and tell us your packaging B5317119 task. - Usually 30-50 different new machines are available immediately from stock. In addition, we have very short delivery times from approx. 3 weeks for customized machines. Deviations from the sample photo are possible. - All machines are available with full warranty.
seller offer No. resale F-GB-VW522-V-SH-40
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