Весы с несколькими взвешивающими головками AMTEC MHW 24HD 08-MX4

упаковочные машины / разливочные машины / Весы с несколькими взвешивающими головками

Производитель: AMTEC

Модель:MHW 24HD 08-MX4

Тип техники: Весы с несколькими взвешивающими головками

Номер позиции: 160711593

Количество: 1

Дата: 23.01.2023

Год выпуска: 2023 новая машина

Местоположение: Land-de Германия Hamburg



Weighing unit with 24 weighing heads for very precise weighing, with 0.8 Liter volume each. Special design to mix up to four different products or to weigh one product in high speed. - Specifications: max. speed of the machine in neutral: 220 cycles/minute (when one product is processed, and depending on product). Weighing range 2-500g, Accuracy +/-1g, 10.4 inch Touchscreen (operation menu in three languages). - Stainless steel, IP64 (upgrade to IP65 possible, for additional costs) 220V/4kW, L2136xW1456xH1433mm, 1100kg. Deviations from the sample image are possible.

That machine/system is available in different versions for different packaging sizes and with different packaging speeds.

Please note that our new prices are often below the usual used B5317119 prices. Please feel free to inquire and tell us your packaging task. - Usually 30-50 different new machines are available immediately from stock. In addition, we have very short delivery times from approx. 3 weeks for customized machines. Deviations from the sample photo are possible. - All machines are available with full warranty.
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Weighing unit with 24 weighing heads for very precise weighing, with 0.8 Liter volume each. Special design to mix up to four different products or to weigh one product in high speed. - Specifications: max. speed of the machine in neutral: 220 cycles/minute (when one product is processed, and depending on product). Weighing range 2-500g, Accuracy +/-1g, 10.4 inch Touchscreen (operation menu in three languages). - Stainless steel, IP64 (upgrade to IP65 possible, for additional costs) 220V/4kW, L2136xW1456xH1433mm, 1100kg. Deviations from the sample image are possible.

That machine/system is available in different versions for different packaging sizes and with different packaging speeds.

Please note that our new prices are often below the usual used B5317119 prices. Please feel free to B5317119 inquire and tell us your packaging task. - Usually 30-50 different new machines are available immediately from stock. In addition, we have very short delivery times from approx. 3 weeks for customized machines. Deviations from the sample photo are possible. - All machines are available with full warranty.
seller offer No. resale F-GB-VW3042-24H08MX4
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