Вертикально-сверлильные станки со стойками ALZMETALL AB 34 iTRONIC

металлообрабатывающие станки / расточные станки и обрабатывающие центры / Вертикально-сверлильные станки со стойками

Производитель: ALZMETALL

Модель:AB 34 iTRONIC

Тип техники: Вертикально-сверлильные станки со стойками

Номер позиции: 160258192

Количество: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Год выпуска: новая машина

Местоположение: Land-de Германия Günzburg


Машина в наличии:Да


: 34 mm
: 40 mm
: 40 mm
threading in St 60: M 24
threading in GG 20: M 30
: MK 4
: 100-1.800 U/min.
throat: 300 mm
: 615x430 mm
: 2 x 14 x 224 mm
: 138/688 mm
column diameter: 145 mm
spindle stroke: 160 mm
feeds: 0,1-0,2-0,3-0,4 mm/U
total power requirement: 1,4/2,2 kW
Machine height: 1865 mm
weight: 605 kg
Standard equipment:
7 TFT LCD display with touch function: manual input of spindle speed
Setpoint, actual speed display, integrated drilling depth display with touch
Zero point transfer, virtual drilling depth scale in the display, machine
Status displays and warnings in the display, service information, selectable
User language: DE / EN / FR / ES / IT / NL / RU

- Thread cutting device, for thread cutting with stop, max. 6th
Thread / min (thread cutting performance dependent on spindle speed), thread depth
adjustable via depth stop and in the TFT - LCD display (4 tools)
- Infinitely variable speed setting by means of an adjusting lever
- Spindle protection with electrical protection
- Three separate buttons for clockwise - counterclockwise - stop
- Mushroom pushbutton (latching) for EMERGENCY STOP
- Main switch, lockable
- Right and left rotation by contactor control
- Control voltage 24 volts
- Protection class IP 54
- Painting: DD structured paint signal white RAL 9003, PANTONE 7545c, black
- Electromagnetic feed clutch with overload protection and electrical comfort B5346911 cross-handle switch
- Machine oil first filling: oil bottle, loose delivery

Pos. 20.5
Foot switch, in addition to the thread cutting device for switching the
Spindle direction of rotation in the process

Pos. 37.5
Technology computer in the display. The technology computer guides you through the
Machining task. Determination of the cutting data using the following parameters:
Manufacturing process, tool diameter, cutting speed, Material table, transfer function of the spindle speed as setpoint

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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: 34 mm
: 40 mm
: 40 mm
threading in St 60: M 24
threading in GG 20: M 30
: MK 4
: 100-1.800 U/min.
throat: 300 mm
: 615x430 mm
: 2 x 14 x 224 mm
: 138/688 mm
column diameter: 145 mm
spindle stroke: 160 mm
feeds: 0,1-0,2-0,3-0,4 mm/U
total power requirement: 1,4/2,2 kW
Machine height: 1865 mm
weight: 605 kg
Standard equipment:
7 TFT LCD display with touch function: manual input of spindle speed
Setpoint, actual speed display, integrated drilling depth display with touch
Zero point transfer, virtual drilling depth scale in the display, machine
Status displays and warnings in the display, service information, selectable
User language: DE / EN / FR / ES / IT / NL / RU

- Thread cutting device, for thread cutting with stop, max. 6th
Thread / min (thread cutting performance dependent on spindle speed), thread depth
adjustable via depth stop and in the TFT - LCD display (4 tools)
- Infinitely variable speed setting by means of an adjusting lever
- Spindle protection with electrical protection
- Three separate buttons for clockwise - counterclockwise - stop
- Mushroom pushbutton (latching) for EMERGENCY STOP
- Main switch, lockable
- Right and left rotation by contactor control
- Control voltage 24 volts
- Protection class IP 54
- Painting: DD structured paint signal white RAL 9003, PANTONE 7545c, black
- Electromagnetic feed clutch with overload protection and electrical comfort B5346911 cross-handle switch
- B5346911 Machine oil first filling: oil bottle, loose delivery

Pos. 20.5
Foot switch, in addition to the thread cutting device for switching the
Spindle direction of rotation in the process

Pos. 37.5
Technology computer in the display. The technology computer guides you through the
Machining task. Determination of the cutting data using the following parameters:
Manufacturing process, tool diameter, cutting speed, Material table, transfer function of the spindle speed as setpoint

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1123-2010594
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89312 Günzburg

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