Máquinas de estampado CNC TRUMPF TruPunch 2020

máquinas para trabalhar metal / trabalho de chapa metálica / Máquinas de estampado CNC

Fabricante: TRUMPF

Modelo:TruPunch 2020

Tipo de máquina: Máquinas de estampado CNC

Número do item: 166457245

Quantidade: 1

Data: 23.03.2025

Ano de fabricação: 2008

Localização: Günzburg


Máquina em estoque:Sim


working area: 2540x1270 mm
Punching capacity: 18 To
control: Bosch Typ 3
Number of working hours: ca. 59.000 h
sheet thickness - max.: 6,4 mm
workpiece weight: max. 150 kg
punch diameter: max. 76,2 mm
Speeds: max. 90/60/108 m/min.
0: 0,1 mm
length: 5500 mm
width: 5900 mm
height: 2200 mm
weight: 11.400 kg
- Stable, easily accessible C-frame
- Coordinate guidance for high-precision machining
- Linear magazine with 19 tool positions, 2 clamping claws
- Drives with non-wading three-phase servo motors
- Follow-up device with B5346911 programmable hold-down
- Ball tables
- Partial chute 180 x 200 mm
- 2 good parts containers
- Chip container
- Automatic switch-off

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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working area: 2540x1270 mm
Punching capacity: 18 To
control: Bosch Typ 3
Number of working hours: ca. 59.000 h
sheet thickness - max.: 6,4 mm
workpiece weight: max. 150 kg
punch diameter: max. 76,2 mm
Speeds: max. 90/60/108 m/min.
0: 0,1 mm
length: 5500 mm
width: 5900 mm
height: 2200 mm
weight: 11.400 kg
- Stable, easily accessible C-frame
- Coordinate guidance for high-precision machining
- Linear magazine with 19 tool positions, 2 clamping claws
- Drives with non-wading three-phase servo motors
- Follow-up device with B5346911 programmable hold-down
- Ball B5346911 tables
- Partial chute 180 x 200 mm
- 2 good parts containers
- Chip container
- Automatic switch-off

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1123-4051856
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Bästlein Gebrauchtmaschinenhandel GmbH

Senhor C. Schlächter
89312 Günzburg

RESALE membro desde a 2015

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