Máquina de perfuração a laser TRUMPF TruMatic 6000 (K01G) 3200 Watt

máquinas para trabalhar metal / trabalho de chapa metálica

Fabricante: TRUMPF

Modelo:TruMatic 6000 (K01G) 3200 Watt

Tipo de máquina: Máquina de perfuração a laser

Número do item: 165710010

Quantidade: 1

Data: 25.11.2024

Ano de fabricação: 2004

Localização: Land-de Alemanha


Máquina em estoque:Sim


Standard equipment:
- Work range X-axis 2585mm for combined operation
- Hi-Las high pressure cutting
- Laser-cutting head with 5’’ lens
- Laser-cutting head with 7,5’’ lens
- head quick change device
- Programmable cutting gas/Pressure settings
- Capacitive height regulation Dias III
- Function: ContourLas
- slag detection
- Compact dust extractor
- tank heating
- autom. tool changer with 19 stations (21 - sheet clamps)
- Full rotation of all tools
- NC-controlled, maintenance free 3-phase motor
- Repositioning device
- tool length compensation
- rapid shutdown of hydraulic system
- automatic shutdown mechanism
- chutes for parts 500 x 500 mm
- sensors for both chutes
- 2 good part container
- punching slug suction system
- metal forming possible
- tool spray lubrication
- Programmable O5344949 stripper
- adaptive stroke length control
- safety light barriers

- online diagnose device
- RJ45 network connection
- 3,5’’ disk drive
- owners manual

+ 1 additional sheet clamp (reduces number of cartridges)
+ Function Tapping
+ Function Marking/Rapid beading
+ SoftPunch
+ Repositioning Cylinder
+ Automatic shut down
+ Conveyor with chip container
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Standard equipment:
- Work range X-axis 2585mm for combined operation
- Hi-Las high pressure cutting
- Laser-cutting head with 5’’ lens
- Laser-cutting head with 7,5’’ lens
- head quick change device
- Programmable cutting gas/Pressure settings
- Capacitive height regulation Dias III
- Function: ContourLas
- slag detection
- Compact dust extractor
- tank heating
- autom. tool changer with 19 stations (21 - sheet clamps)
- Full rotation of all tools
- NC-controlled, maintenance free 3-phase motor
- Repositioning device
- tool length compensation
- rapid shutdown of hydraulic system
- automatic shutdown mechanism
- chutes for parts 500 x 500 mm
- sensors for both chutes
- 2 good part container
- punching slug suction system
- metal forming possible
- tool spray lubrication
- Programmable O5344949 stripper
- adaptive O5344949 stroke length control
- safety light barriers

- online diagnose device
- RJ45 network connection
- 3,5’’ disk drive
- owners manual

+ 1 additional sheet clamp (reduces number of cartridges)
+ Function Tapping
+ Function Marking/Rapid beading
+ SoftPunch
+ Repositioning Cylinder
+ Automatic shut down
+ Conveyor with chip container
seller offer No. resale 13
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