Instalaciones de cortadoras láser CNC TRUMPF TruLaser Cell 7020/5 Achsen

máquinas para trabalhar metal / trabalho de chapa metálica / Instalaciones de cortadoras láser CNC

Fabricante: TRUMPF

Modelo:TruLaser Cell 7020/5 Achsen

Tipo de máquina: Instalaciones de cortadoras láser CNC

Número do item: 166017135

Quantidade: 1

Data: 11.03.2025

Ano de fabricação: 2014

Localização: Erwitte


Máquina em estoque:Sim


table length: 2000 mm
table width: 1500 mm
burner heads: 0
total power requirement: kW
weight of the machine ca.: t
required space: m

The data for M5323826 this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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table length: 2000 mm
table width: 1500 mm
burner heads: 0
total power requirement: kW
weight of the machine ca.: t
required space: m

The data for M5323826 this ad was created with M5323826 ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 2005-10103
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MEISTER MASCHINEN Handels + Service GmbH

Senhor Burkhard Meister
59597 Erwitte

RESALE membro desde a 2021

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