Centros de torno CNC MORI SEIKI NL1500SY / 500

máquinas para trabalhar metal / tornos / Centros de torno CNC

Fabricante: MORI SEIKI

Modelo:NL1500SY / 500

Tipo de máquina: Centros de torno CNC

Número do item: 166018508

Quantidade: 1

Data: 08.03.2025

Ano de fabricação: 2007

Localização: Werksstandort, unter Strom


Máquina em estoque:Sim


Swing over bed: 923,8 mm
Swing over cross slide: 755 mm
max. turning diameter: 356 mm
Max. Turning length: 515 mm
control: MSX-850 III
travel -x axis: 260 mm
travel -y axis: -50, +50 mm
travel -z axis: 590 mm
travel - z axis (spindle 2): 624 mm
driven tools turning speeds: 6.000 U/min
CNC Turning- and Milling Center | MORI SEIKI - NL1500SY / 500 equipped with
main/counter spindle, b- + y- axis, a turret for driven tools and
chip conveyor and loading and unloading system (alphaMAX).

The machine has only 3.400h processing time hours.

The machine is in a well-maintained condition and
can be inspected at any time under power.

Please refer to further technical details S5350654 in the attachement of the offer.

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#Tags: NL1500SY500 | NL 1500 SY / 500 | NL-1500SY / 500 | NL-1500 SY / 500

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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Swing over bed: 923,8 mm
Swing over cross slide: 755 mm
max. turning diameter: 356 mm
Max. Turning length: 515 mm
control: MSX-850 III
travel -x axis: 260 mm
travel -y axis: -50, +50 mm
travel -z axis: 590 mm
travel - z axis (spindle 2): 624 mm
driven tools turning speeds: 6.000 U/min
CNC Turning- and Milling Center | MORI SEIKI - NL1500SY / 500 equipped with
main/counter spindle, b- + y- axis, a turret for driven tools and
chip conveyor and loading and unloading system (alphaMAX).

The machine has only 3.400h processing time hours.

The machine is in a well-maintained condition and
can be inspected at any time under power.

Please refer to further technical details S5350654 in the attachement of S5350654 the offer.

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#Tags: NL1500SY500 | NL 1500 SY / 500 | NL-1500SY / 500 | NL-1500 SY / 500

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 2026-1747
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Senhor T. Tasel
45527 Hattingen

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