Centro de Maquinação de Madeira CNC FELDER Format 4 Profit H150 22.32 T

máquinas para trabalhar madeira / fresadoras madeira

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Senhor Borja Garcia
67663 Kaiserslautern

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RESALE membro desde a 2017

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Número do item: 165484877 Quantidade: 1 Data: 03.01.2025
Ano de fabricação: 2022 Localização: Land-DE Alemanha
Fabricante: FELDER
Modelo: Format 4 Profit H150 22.32 T
Tipo de máquina: Centro de Maquinação de Madeira CNC
Descrição: Centro de Maquinação de Madeira CNC FELDER Format 4 Profit H150 22.32 T

máquina usada

This 5-axis FELDER Format 4 Profit H150 22.32 T was manufactured in 2022. It features a 5-axis main spindle with 12 kW power, a 17-fold linear changer, and an 18-position plate changer. The machine includes a comprehensive control system with F4Operate, F4Toolbox, F4Create, and 3D nesting software F4Nest. It also boasts a complete compressed air system and automatic central lubrication. The FELDER G5149640 FORMAT4 Profit H150 22.32 T machine we have for sale. Contact us for further details regarding this vertical machining centre.
seller offer No. resale DE-MIL-FOR-2023-00001
Seller-item-No.: DE-MIL-FOR-2023-00001
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