OPTICAL SORTING UNIT - have you considered what you can do with an
optical separator like this one ?, you can separate impurities,
different colors but also other materials contaminating the main flow.
This machine can memorize the good stuff and the bad stuff from
samples, giving you a separation per textures, beside colors., In a
difficult market such as the regenerated plastics, today, you can
remarkably increase the quality of your product with a very
cost-effective solution., Another excellent point is the promptness of
intervention and assistance from this Italian Company, To sort
different colors of PET HDPE PP PVC PC ABS PMMA and more, Customizable
from 1 to 6 channels, High precision and smart technology which uses
A.I.to grant excellent performances., Very quick assistance if needed,
Compact and versatile machine, available from 0,940 .up to 2,7 mt.
wide (L x H: 1,8 x 1,8 mt.), For a variety of different uses, this
machine can separate parts as small as a salt grain and as large as a
walnut so increasing the value of your reground plastic scraps ., The
control panel with its touch screen allows full customisation on
different materials and colors., The 16 million colors high resolution
digital cameras gives extremely high performances and can recognize
down to 0,09 mm.large defects., The NIR cameras allow to detect stone,
glass, soil and other dense G5337941 bodies, Even DIFFERENT POLYMERS,
through the Short-waved Infra Red cameras, can be detected., The
software works with an A.I. system which learns from the previous
selections to improve each time., Low energy consumption., Remote
controllable from PC or smartphone, for any need to adjustment.
Different recipes will be pre-loaded to meet client’s requirements.
More can be added later, even in remote. Extremely simple to use, One
device for all of your plastics. We offer a complete system, bespoke
to the project., All Italian technology, construction, components.,
Test your material with us!