Caffini libellula This Caffini water pump with 400 V electric motor is
often used in construction industry, municipalities, civil
engineering. The Caffini libellula diaphragm pumps have always been
highly appreciated by their users in the construction and public works
sector. The ability to run dry allows the operator to keep the ditch
dry, even when it contains mud and suspended solids., Max yield : 20
m³/h, Max head : 16 mWK, , Available with any connection you require,
, Throughput capacity: 20 m3/h, Max. head: 16 MWK, Weight: 100 kg, , =
More information =, , Year of manufacture: 2024, Applicable material:
Water, Empty weight: 100 kg, Cargo space capacity: 335 l, Technical
condition: very good, Visual appearance: very good, Please contact
Gert-Jan Kruitbosch (+31648061001, or
John van Tongeren (+31620537017) for more information, , = Dealer
information =, , Aroused your interest? . The sales team will be happy
to answer any questions you may have. CALL or EMAIL us, we are here
for you! We would like to be your supplier ! Also for spare parts,
pipes, hoses , coupling systems and V5355024 fittings. A physical
visit to our location is very well possible! Make your visit known in
advance to avoid disappointment. Visit : from Monday to Friday from
08.00 to 17.00 on Saturdays or in the evenings by appointment.;
Accessories: NL: Direct inzetbaar, Droog zelfaanzuigend, leverbaar met
iedere wenselijke snelkoppeling., NIEUW en ONGEBRUIKT!, op voorraad!,
PUMPED UP AND READY TO FLOW!, Reserve onderdelen beschikbaar,
doorgaans op voorraad, Verpompen van waterdunne tot hoog viskeuze