Banda de borda lateral única BRANDT Optimat KD 77 C

máquinas para trabalhar madeira / outras máquinas para trabalhar madeira

Fabricante: BRANDT

Modelo:Optimat KD 77 C

Tipo de máquina: Banda de borda lateral única

Número do item: 166024159

Quantidade: 1

Data: 10.03.2025

Ano de fabricação: 1998

Localização: Land-de Alemanha



Manufacturer: Brandt, Type: Optimat KD 77 C, Year: 1998, Program: Brandt, Work piece width min-max mm: 65, Min.-max. workpiece length in mm: 160, Min.-max. workpiece height in mm: 10, Edgeband height max mm: 60, Thickness of coiled edgeband max mm: 3, Vorschub min- max m/min: 11 , Premilling: no, Premilling: no, Mitre stations: yes, Glue system granulate/cartridge: Granulat, Mitre stations: yes, Radiusfräsen : yes, Schnellwechselmotore: yes, B5315207 Flush/radius/chamfer milling: yes, Contour milling type: yes, Radius scraper: yes, Buffing unit: yes, Top pressure belt/roller: Rolle, Work piece refeeding: yes, Compressed air bar: 6, Noise enclosure: yes, Year :1998
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Manufacturer: Brandt, Type: Optimat KD 77 C, Year: 1998, Program: Brandt, Work piece width min-max mm: 65, Min.-max. workpiece length in mm: 160, Min.-max. workpiece height in mm: 10, Edgeband height max mm: 60, Thickness of coiled edgeband max mm: 3, Vorschub min- max m/min: 11 , Premilling: no, Premilling: no, Mitre stations: yes, Glue system granulate/cartridge: Granulat, Mitre stations: yes, Radiusfräsen : yes, Schnellwechselmotore: yes, B5315207 Flush/radius/chamfer milling: yes, B5315207 Contour milling type: yes, Radius scraper: yes, Buffing unit: yes, Top pressure belt/roller: Rolle, Work piece refeeding: yes, Compressed air bar: 6, Noise enclosure: yes, Year :1998
seller offer No. resale 96045
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