Waterpumps LEO LGP20-2H

máquinas de construção / bombas máquinas de construção


Modelo:LEO LGP20-2H

Tipo de máquina: Waterpumps

Número do item: 163811543

Quantidade: 1

Data: 11.03.2025

Ano de fabricação: 2024

Localização: Land-NL Países Baixos Apeldoorn



LEO high pressure petrol driven pump 4-stroke, Suitable for clear or slightly polluted water for irrigation, transferring water into swimming pools., , Max yield: 20 m3, Max pressure: 80 mwk, , If you have any questions, please call us., , Throughput capacity: 20 m3/h, Max dirt passag: 3600 rpm, Weight: 22 kg, , = More information =, , Year of manufacture: 2024, Applicable material: Water, Empty weight: 22 kg, Cargo space capacity: 335 l, Technical condition: very good, Visual appearance: very good, Damages: none, Please contact Gert-Jan Kruitbosch (+31648061001, sales@vantongerentrading.nl) or John van Tongeren (+31620537017) for more information, , = Dealer information =, , Aroused your interest? . The sales team will be happy to answer any questions you may have. CALL or EMAIL us, we are here for you! We would like to be your supplier ! Also for spare parts, pipes, hoses , coupling systems and fittings. A V5355024 physical visit to our location is very well possible! Make your visit known in advance to avoid disappointment. Visit : from Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 17.00 on Saturdays or in the evenings by appointment.; Accessories: NL: Direct inzetbaar, NIEUW en ONGEBRUIKT!, op voorraad!, PUMPED UP AND READY TO FLOW!, , EN: Can be used immediately, in stock!, NEW and UNUSED!, PUMPED UP AND READY TO FLOW!
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LEO high pressure petrol driven pump 4-stroke, Suitable for clear or slightly polluted water for irrigation, transferring water into swimming pools., , Max yield: 20 m3, Max pressure: 80 mwk, , If you have any questions, please call us., , Throughput capacity: 20 m3/h, Max dirt passag: 3600 rpm, Weight: 22 kg, , = More information =, , Year of manufacture: 2024, Applicable material: Water, Empty weight: 22 kg, Cargo space capacity: 335 l, Technical condition: very good, Visual appearance: very good, Damages: none, Please contact Gert-Jan Kruitbosch (+31648061001, sales@vantongerentrading.nl) or John van Tongeren (+31620537017) for more information, , = Dealer information =, , Aroused your interest? . The sales team will be happy to answer any questions you may have. CALL or EMAIL us, we are here for you! We would like to be your supplier ! Also for spare parts, pipes, hoses , coupling systems and fittings. A V5355024 physical visit to our V5355024 location is very well possible! Make your visit known in advance to avoid disappointment. Visit : from Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 17.00 on Saturdays or in the evenings by appointment.; Accessories: NL: Direct inzetbaar, NIEUW en ONGEBRUIKT!, op voorraad!, PUMPED UP AND READY TO FLOW!, , EN: Can be used immediately, in stock!, NEW and UNUSED!, PUMPED UP AND READY TO FLOW!
seller offer No. resale 23P00110
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Van Tongeren Trading

Senhor Gert-Jan Kruitbosch
7324 AR Apeldoorn

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