Frezarka stojąca ZAYER 30 KCU 22.000

maszyny do obróbki metalu / frezarki

Producent: ZAYER

Model:30 KCU 22.000

Typ maszyny: Frezarka stojąca

Numer pozycji: 157046441

Ilość: 1

Data: 11.03.2025

Rok produkcji: 2000

Lokalizacja: Land-de Niemcy Auf Anfrage


Maszyna w magazynie:Tak


x-travel: 22.000 mm
y-travel: 1.500 mm
z-travel: 3.000 mm
Control: SIEMENS 840 D
milling head -swivable: 0,001/0,001 Grad
milling head: Universalfräskopf 45°
Internal cooling system: 20 bar
Chip coveyor: ja
Tools changer: 30 pos.
coolant: 1.100 l
Tool taper: DIN 69871A ISO 50
total power requirement: 45 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 68 t
The round table shown in the pictures as well as the plate field are not
sold with !

urning Speeds 6.000 r.p.m.
AutoIndex Head 45 º
Head 360.000 Pos.
Elbow 360.000 Pos.
Main Motor Power 37 Kw.
Nº Change Range 2 Ranges
Automatic Tool Charger INCLUDED
Tools at ATC 30
Coolant Through Tool 20 Bar INCLUDED
Soluble Oil Tank with filter paper INCLUDED
Head Coolant System + CF Box INCLUDED
Longitudinal Chip Conveyor INCLUDED
Operator?s Platformd with A5328652 2000 mm Vertical movement. INCLUDED
Ready for Rotor Translating Table
(Regulator + Wires) /INCLUDED
Coolant System in Electrical Cabinet INCLUDED
Machine Weight 68.000 Kg.
Machine Colour RAL 7038 – 5012
Portable Handwheel INCLUDED

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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x-travel: 22.000 mm
y-travel: 1.500 mm
z-travel: 3.000 mm
Control: SIEMENS 840 D
milling head -swivable: 0,001/0,001 Grad
milling head: Universalfräskopf 45°
Internal cooling system: 20 bar
Chip coveyor: ja
Tools changer: 30 pos.
coolant: 1.100 l
Tool taper: DIN 69871A ISO 50
total power requirement: 45 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 68 t
The round table shown in the pictures as well as the plate field are not
sold with !

urning Speeds 6.000 r.p.m.
AutoIndex Head 45 º
Head 360.000 Pos.
Elbow 360.000 Pos.
Main Motor Power 37 Kw.
Nº Change Range 2 Ranges
Automatic Tool Charger INCLUDED
Tools at ATC 30
Coolant Through Tool 20 Bar INCLUDED
Soluble Oil Tank with filter paper INCLUDED
Head Coolant System + CF Box INCLUDED
Longitudinal Chip Conveyor INCLUDED
Operator?s Platformd with A5328652 2000 mm Vertical A5328652 movement. INCLUDED
Ready for Rotor Translating Table
(Regulator + Wires) /INCLUDED
Coolant System in Electrical Cabinet INCLUDED
Machine Weight 68.000 Kg.
Machine Colour RAL 7038 – 5012
Portable Handwheel INCLUDED

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1120-10001
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Aleman Machines e.K.

Pani Maria Morillo de Geiger
73466 Lauchheim

RESALE członek od 2015

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więcej ZAYER 30 KCU 22.000 + similar ZAYER-Model

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