Wytaczarki WOTAN Rapid 5C

maszyny do obróbki metalu / wiertarkofrezarki i centra obróbcze / Wytaczarki

Producent: WOTAN

Model:Rapid 5C

Typ maszyny: Wytaczarki

Numer pozycji: 157172643

Ilość: 1

Data: 11.03.2025

Rok produkcji: 2004

Lokalizacja: Land-nl Holandia Holland


Maszyna w magazynie:Tak


spindle diameter: 160 mm
x-travel: 10.000 mm
y-travel: 3.000 mm
total power requirement: 120/63 spindel kW
weight of the machine ca.: 63 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 15x3.85x7.36 m
Stocknumber 1210057
Type of machine CNC Floortype boring machine
Type Rapid 5C
Build in 2004
Type of control HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530
Spindle diameter 160 mm
X-stroke (mm) 10.000
Y-stroke (mm) 3.800
Z-stroke (mm) 700
W-stroke 700 mm
Tool Taper Iso 50
Speeds (Rpm) 1,25 - 1250
Feeds (mm/R) 1 - 5000 mm/min
Rapid feeds 5 mtr/min.
Total Power (KW) 120 /spindel 83
Lenght (mm) 14.500
Width (mm) 3.850
Height (mm) 7.360
Weight 62.300 kg

Additional information
completely overhould in 2004 and retrofitted by Dorries Scharmann with CNC I5345279 control HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530
- 4 different angular milling heads
- hydrostatic spindle bearing
- aerostatic guideways
- coolant device
- chip conveyor
- oil cooler

Film YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks6D5rutslg

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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spindle diameter: 160 mm
x-travel: 10.000 mm
y-travel: 3.000 mm
total power requirement: 120/63 spindel kW
weight of the machine ca.: 63 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 15x3.85x7.36 m
Stocknumber 1210057
Type of machine CNC Floortype boring machine
Type Rapid 5C
Build in 2004
Type of control HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530
Spindle diameter 160 mm
X-stroke (mm) 10.000
Y-stroke (mm) 3.800
Z-stroke (mm) 700
W-stroke 700 mm
Tool Taper Iso 50
Speeds (Rpm) 1,25 - 1250
Feeds (mm/R) 1 - 5000 mm/min
Rapid feeds 5 mtr/min.
Total Power (KW) 120 /spindel 83
Lenght (mm) 14.500
Width (mm) 3.850
Height (mm) 7.360
Weight 62.300 kg

Additional information
completely overhould in 2004 and retrofitted by Dorries Scharmann with CNC I5345279 control HEIDENHAIN iTNC I5345279 530
- 4 different angular milling heads
- hydrostatic spindle bearing
- aerostatic guideways
- coolant device
- chip conveyor
- oil cooler

Film YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks6D5rutslg

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 2050-1210057
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więcej WOTAN Rapid 5C + similar WOTAN-Model

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1978 WOTANRapid 1R/3
1982 WOTANRapid 2
1982 WOTANRapid 1
1980 WOTANRapid 2 K
1985 WOTANRapid 5
1989 WOTANRapid 25 dv-CNC

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