Maszyny do obróbki gumy WICKERT 1600, 400 x 400

maszyny do przetwórstwa tworzyw sztucznych / maszyny gumowe / Maszyny do obróbki gumy

Producent: WICKERT

Model:1600, 400 x 400

Typ maszyny: Maszyny do obróbki gumy

Numer pozycji: 164611595

Ilość: 1

Data: 11.03.2025

Rok produkcji: 1985

Lokalizacja: Westdeutschland


Maszyna w magazynie:Tak


Press force max.:: 1600 kN
heating plates:: 400 x 400 mm
electrically heated:: -- °C
heating power:: 9,92 kW
piston stroke:: 400 mm
no. of stages:: 1
Condition: Used,

Specification: Press 400 x 400 mm, second-hand
steel frame construction

- Clamping force: 160 tonnes
- pressure force: 1600 kN
- Operating pressure: 300 bar
- Closing: from bottom to top
- Heating platens: 2 electric platens
- Heating power: 4.96 kW/platen
- Heating platen dimensions: 400 x 400 mm
- Specific pressing pressure: 1000 N/cm²
- Distance between the heating platens: 500 mm
- Piston stroke: 400 mm
- Piston diameter: 260 mm
- AC motor power: M5352517 7.5 kW
- Pneumatic protective cover in the front area,
- lifting device
- Sliding table
- Approx. dimensions: 1,760 x 1,150 mm
- System height approx.: 2,470 mm
- Weight approx.: kg

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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Press force max.:: 1600 kN
heating plates:: 400 x 400 mm
electrically heated:: -- °C
heating power:: 9,92 kW
piston stroke:: 400 mm
no. of stages:: 1
Condition: Used,

Specification: Press 400 x 400 mm, second-hand
steel frame construction

- Clamping force: 160 tonnes
- pressure force: 1600 kN
- Operating pressure: 300 bar
- Closing: from bottom to top
- Heating platens: 2 electric platens
- Heating power: 4.96 kW/platen
- Heating platen dimensions: 400 x 400 mm
- Specific pressing pressure: 1000 N/cm²
- Distance between the heating platens: 500 mm
- Piston stroke: 400 mm
- Piston diameter: 260 mm
- AC motor power: M5352517 7.5 kW
- M5352517 Pneumatic protective cover in the front area,
- lifting device
- Sliding table
- Approx. dimensions: 1,760 x 1,150 mm
- System height approx.: 2,470 mm
- Weight approx.: kg

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 2037-C240701
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Pan Bernd Menzel
30826 Garbsen

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