Systemy okienne WEINIG Unicontrol 6 NC-Spindeln

maszyny do obróbki drewna / maszyny do produkcji okien / Systemy okienne

Producent: WEINIG

Model:Unicontrol 6 NC-Spindeln

Typ maszyny: Systemy okienne

Numer pozycji: 165896243

Ilość: 1

Data: 11.03.2025

Rok produkcji:

Lokalizacja: Oberkochen


Maszyna w magazynie:Tak


Tenoning spindle: 1 St.
Number of milling agregates: 5 St.
Spindle diameter: 50 mm
Control: Weinig, PC-Nexus
# 2774 Weinig Unicontrol 6 with NC spindles
Machine is currently being checked!

Technical data summary
(please enquire about any additional accessories included)

Item 1: Cross-cut saw
> Number of tools: 1 pc.
> Spindle speed: 2,800 rpm
> Spindle diameter: 40 mm
> Max. tool diameter: 400 mm
> Motor power: 3 kW
> Radial adjustment path pneumatically controlled to 8 positions,
e.g. for edge rounding from above

> Laser aiming light for detecting the saw section

Item 2: Rounding unit horizontal below
> Position: horizontal below
> Motor power: 1.5 kW
> Spindle diameter: 20 mm
> Clamping length 25 mm
> Spindle speed: 9,000 rpm
> Max. tool flight circle: 130 mm
> Axial adjustment path mechanically coupled with Crosscut saw
> Adjustment path radial pneumatically controlled on/off

Length stop NC controlled
> Length 3500 mm
> Electronic length stop

Item 3: Tenon and slot spindle
> Number of tools: variable, stepless adjustment, NC
> Tool clamping length: 320 mm
> Vertical spindle stroke: variable 254 mm, stepless adjustment, NC-controlled
> Spindle speed: 3500 rpm
> Tool flight circle max. 320 mm
> Spindle diameter: 50 mm
> Tool diameter max.: 320 mm
> Motor power: 11 kW

Item 4: 1. Profiling spindle (same and opposite rotation)
> Position: vertical right
> Number of tools: 1 pc.
> Tool clamping length: 120 mm
> Spindle speed: 6000 rpm
> Spindle diameter: 50 mm
> Tool flight circle max.: 232 mm
> Motor power: 7.5 kW

Item 5: 2nd profiling spindle
> Position: vertical right
> Number of tools: variable, stepless adjustment, NC
> Tool clamping length: 320 mm
> Vertical spindle stroke: variable 254 mm, stepless adjustment, NC-controlled
> Spindle speed: 6000 rpm
> Spindle diameter: 50 mm
> Tool flight circle max.: 232 mm
> Motor power: 11 kW

2 feed rollers axially pneumatic opposite the spindle controlled, 2 positions

Rung guide consisting of:
Guide ruler in the stop (area of the synchronous spindle),

Rung support bar from above in the area of the profile milling unit vertically on the right
and profiling spindle.

Pos. 6: Profile milling unit horizontal top
> Clamping length: 40 mm
> Spindle diameter: 40 mm
> Motor power: 3.0 kW
> Speed 9,000 rpm
> Tool flight circle max. 130 mm
> Axial adjustment range 30 mm, 8 positions
> Radial adjustment range 125 mm, 8 positions

Pos. 7: 3rd profiling spindle (fitting spindle)
> Position: vertical right
> Tool clamping length: 160 mm
> Axial adjustment range 115 mm, 8 positions
> Radial adjustment range 110 mm, 8-way turret
> Spindle speed: 5850 rpm
> Spindle diameter: 40 mm
> Tool flight circle max.: 210 mm
> Motor power: 3.0 kW

Item 8: Profile milling unit/grooving unit from below
> Motor power: 3.0 G5312123 kW
> Tool clamping length: 125 mm
> Axial adjustment range 100 mm, 8 positions
> Radial adjustment range 100 mm, 8-position turret
> Spindle speed: 5850 rpm
> Spindle diameter: 40 mm
> Tool flight circle max.: 200 mm

Other features
> Online-capable
> Beveling device for tear-free beveling
> Double parts package
> Return conveyor device for 1-man operation: slat conveyor
> Screen control
> Sloping window device
> Electronic angle display for sloped windows
> Industrial PC, touchscreen with Windows PC control/NEXUS
> with Weinig Type production program

Suction nozzle diameter:
Crosscu t saw 80 mm
Slot spindle 140 mm
Profile spindle 1 140 mm
Profile spindle 2 140 mm
Fitting spindle 120 mm
Grooving device from above 80 mm
Grooving device from below 80 mm

used tools Oertli IV 68/78 wood and wood-aluminum (see stock number 6813)

Images from archive of identical machine.

If the technical properties of this machine do not meet your expectations, please contact us. Our
team with many years of experience will be happy to support you with any adjustments
or in the search for a machine that meets your requirements!

(technical data according to the manufacturer - without guarantee!)

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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Tenoning spindle: 1 St.
Number of milling agregates: 5 St.
Spindle diameter: 50 mm
Control: Weinig, PC-Nexus
# 2774 Weinig Unicontrol 6 with NC spindles
Machine is currently being checked!

Technical data summary
(please enquire about any additional accessories included)

Item 1: Cross-cut saw
> Number of tools: 1 pc.
> Spindle speed: 2,800 rpm
> Spindle diameter: 40 mm
> Max. tool diameter: 400 mm
> Motor power: 3 kW
> Radial adjustment path pneumatically controlled to 8 positions,
e.g. for edge rounding from above

> Laser aiming light for detecting the saw section

Item 2: Rounding unit horizontal below
> Position: horizontal below
> Motor power: 1.5 kW
> Spindle diameter: 20 mm
> Clamping length 25 mm
> Spindle speed: 9,000 rpm
> Max. tool flight circle: 130 mm
> Axial adjustment path mechanically coupled with Crosscut saw
> Adjustment path radial pneumatically controlled on/off

Length stop NC controlled
> Length 3500 mm
> Electronic length stop

Item 3: Tenon and slot spindle
> Number of tools: variable, stepless adjustment, NC
> Tool clamping length: 320 mm
> Vertical spindle stroke: variable 254 mm, stepless adjustment, NC-controlled
> Spindle speed: 3500 rpm
> Tool flight circle max. 320 mm
> Spindle diameter: 50 mm
> Tool diameter max.: 320 mm
> Motor power: 11 kW

Item 4: 1. Profiling spindle (same and opposite rotation)
> Position: vertical right
> Number of tools: 1 pc.
> Tool clamping length: 120 mm
> Spindle speed: 6000 rpm
> Spindle diameter: 50 mm
> Tool flight circle max.: 232 mm
> Motor power: 7.5 kW

Item 5: 2nd profiling spindle
> Position: vertical right
> Number of tools: variable, stepless adjustment, NC
> Tool clamping length: 320 mm
> Vertical spindle stroke: variable 254 mm, stepless adjustment, NC-controlled
> Spindle speed: 6000 rpm
> Spindle diameter: 50 mm
> Tool flight circle max.: 232 mm
> Motor power: 11 kW

2 feed rollers axially pneumatic opposite the spindle controlled, 2 positions

Rung guide consisting of:
Guide ruler in the stop (area of the synchronous spindle),

Rung support bar from above in the area of the profile milling unit vertically on the right
and profiling spindle.

Pos. 6: Profile milling unit horizontal top
> Clamping length: 40 mm
> Spindle diameter: 40 mm
> Motor power: 3.0 kW
> Speed 9,000 rpm
> Tool flight circle max. 130 mm
> Axial adjustment range 30 mm, 8 positions
> Radial adjustment range 125 mm, 8 positions

Pos. 7: 3rd profiling spindle (fitting spindle)
> Position: vertical right
> Tool clamping length: 160 mm
> Axial adjustment range 115 mm, 8 positions
> Radial adjustment range 110 mm, 8-way turret
> Spindle speed: 5850 rpm
> Spindle diameter: 40 mm
> Tool flight circle max.: 210 mm
> Motor power: 3.0 kW

Item 8: Profile milling unit/grooving unit from below
> Motor power: 3.0 G5312123 kW
> Tool clamping G5312123 length: 125 mm
> Axial adjustment range 100 mm, 8 positions
> Radial adjustment range 100 mm, 8-position turret
> Spindle speed: 5850 rpm
> Spindle diameter: 40 mm
> Tool flight circle max.: 200 mm

Other features
> Online-capable
> Beveling device for tear-free beveling
> Double parts package
> Return conveyor device for 1-man operation: slat conveyor
> Screen control
> Sloping window device
> Electronic angle display for sloped windows
> Industrial PC, touchscreen with Windows PC control/NEXUS
> with Weinig Type production program

Suction nozzle diameter:
Crosscu t saw 80 mm
Slot spindle 140 mm
Profile spindle 1 140 mm
Profile spindle 2 140 mm
Fitting spindle 120 mm
Grooving device from above 80 mm
Grooving device from below 80 mm

used tools Oertli IV 68/78 wood and wood-aluminum (see stock number 6813)

Images from archive of identical machine.

If the technical properties of this machine do not meet your expectations, please contact us. Our
team with many years of experience will be happy to support you with any adjustments
or in the search for a machine that meets your requirements!

(technical data according to the manufacturer - without guarantee!)

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1305-2774
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Gebr. Engelfried oHG

Pan Florian Engelfried
73432 Aalen

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