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10 podobne maszyny:

Maszyna: HESS Speedy
Sprzedawca: Gebr. Engelfried oHG
Lokalizacja:: Oberkochen

Working width: 3500 mm Working height: 2550 mm Number of cylinders: 6 St. loading dimensions L x W x H: 4500x950x2900 mm weight: 1800 kg Hess Speedy frame press -------------------------------------- will be checked Insertion dimension / pressing length max. 3,500 mm Insertion dimension / pressing height max. 2,550 mm Sliding carriage for width adjustment locking in 50 mm Double hole grid system Electric height adjustment of the long-stroke cylinders (hydraulic) Insertion height of the abutment plates can be preselected in 4 positions 3 vertical printing cylinders stroke 1000 mm Pressure force per cylinder 2000 kN / 20000 N 3 horizontal printing cylinders stroke 80 mm Pressure force per cyl ...

Maszyna: HESS Speedy, 2 Mitteldruckbalken
Sprzedawca: Gebr. Engelfried oHG
Lokalizacja:: Oberkochen

Working width: 3050 mm Working height: 2050 mm Number of cylinders: 6 St. Dimensions (L/W/H): 3970x950x2400 mm Hess Speedy frame press with 2 central pressure bars! -------------------------- ------------- Insertion dimension / pressing length max. 3,050 mm Insertion dimension / pressing height max. 2,050 mm Sliding carriage for width adjustment, locking in 50 mm Double hole grid system Electrical height adjustment of the long-stroke cylinders (hydraulic) Insertion height of the abutment plates can be preselected in 3 positions 4 vertical pressure cylinders stroke 1000 mm Pressure force per cylinder 2000 kN / 20000 N 2 horizontal pressure cylinders stroke 80 mm Pressure and support plates de ...

Maszyna: HESS Speedy Quick Step
Rok produkcji: 1995
Sprzedawca: Land-de Bödeker Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen GmbH

Producent: Hess, Typ: Speedy Quick Step, Rok: 1995, min.-max. długość obrabianego elementu w mm: 3500, Min.-max. Wysokość obrabianego elementu w mm: 2500, Maksymalna szerokość robocza mm: 600, Hydrauliczny/pneumatyczny: hydraulisch, Wysokie / niskie ciśnienie: Hochdruck, Cylinder pionowy: 3, Cylinder poziomy: 2, DOWOLNY TEKST: Automatisches Verfahren der Balken und Lanhhubzylinder für vertikale Bewegung, Rok :1995

Maszyna: HESS Speedy Video
Sprzedawca: Gebr. Engelfried oHG
Lokalizacja:: Oberkochen

Working width: 3550 mm Working height: 2250 mm Number of cylinders: 5 St. loading dimensions L x W x H: 4500 x 900 x 2600 mm Hess Speedy frame press -------------------------------------- Press will be Checked Insertion dimension / pressing length max. 3,550 mm Insertion dimension / pressing height max. 2,250 mm Sliding carriage for width adjustment locking in 50 mm Double hole grid system Electric height adjustment of the long-stroke cylinders (hydraulic) Insertion height of the abutment plates can be preselected in 4 positions 3 vertical printing cylinders stroke 1000 mm Pressure force per cylinder 2000 kN / 20000 N 2 horizontal printing cylinders stroke 80 mm Pressure force per cylinder  ...

Maszyna: HESS Speedy
Sprzedawca: Gebr. Engelfried oHG
Lokalizacja:: Oberkochen

Working width: 3550 mm Working height: 2250 mm Number of cylinders: 5 St. loading dimensions L x W x H: 4500 x 900 x 2600 mm Hess Speedy frame press --------------------------------------- Machine is checked Insertion dimension / press length max. 3,550 mm Insertion dimension / press height max. 2,250 mm Sliding carriage for width adjustment, locking in 50 mm Double hole grid system Electrical height adjustment of the long-stroke cylinders (hydraulic) Insertion height of the abutment plates can be preselected in 4 positions 3 vertical pressure cylinders stroke 1000 mm Pressure force per cylinder 2000 kN / 20000 N 2 horizontal pressure cylinders stroke 80 mm Pressure force per cylinder 1250 k ...

Maszyna: HESS Speedy
Sprzedawca: Gebr. Engelfried oHG
Lokalizacja:: Oberkochen

Working width: 3500 mm Working height: 2550 mm Number of cylinders: 6 St. loading dimensions L x W x H: 4500x950x2900 mm mm Weight: 1800 kg Hess Speedy frame press --------------------------------------- press will be checekd by us! Insertion dimension / press length max. 3,500 mm Insertion dimension / press height max. 2,550 mm Sliding carriage for width adjustment, locking in 50 mm Double hole grid system Electrical height adjustment of the long-stroke cylinders (hydraulic) Insertion height of the abutment plates can be preselected in 4 positions 3 vertical pressure cylinders stroke 1000 mm Pressure force per cylinder 2000 kN / 20000 N 3 horizontal pressure cylinders stroke 80 mm Pressure ...

Maszyna: HESS Economic
Rok produkcji: 1987
Sprzedawca: Land-de MATEC system+technik GmbH
Cena: VB 3.100 €

Prasa ramowa Hess Economic Hydrauliczne Format 3600 x 2250 mm L x W x H: 400 x 100 x 270 cm Waga około 1100 kg Rok budowy w 1987 roku Maszyna jest w dobrym stanie, gotowa do pracy. Zmiany, błędy, sprzedaż pośrednia zarezerwowana! Serwis/części zamienne matec CH-4952 Eriswil/DE-79618 Rheinfelden MATEC system + technik GmbH Inżynieria mechaniczna Mata młyna 4 CH-4952 Eriswil/Szwajcaria Tel. 0041 62 966 18 32 Faks 0041 62 966 21 12

Sprzedawca: Land-at HESSE+CO GesmbH
Cena: 33.700 €

: neu : ca. 12 - 14 Wochen ab Auf : Türkei : 33700 € : 684.11 € : 30 to : 2 mm : 400 mm : 600 mm : 150 mm : 1 - 60 mm : 140 1/min : 4 : 60 mm : 40 mm : 200 mm : 300 mm : 3 kW : 1300 mm : 1150 mm : 2050 mm : 1670 kg welded steel construction body frame 4-fold ram guide pneumatic clutch-brake combination photocell light barriers mechanical overload protection two hand and foot pedal control manual adjustable stroke manual central lubrication according to CE rules Options: vibrations pads € 132,- bolster plate € 720,- picture incl. optional available bolster plate The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

Sprzedawca: Land-at HESSE+CO GesmbH
Cena: 71.000 €

: neu : ca. 14 - 16 Wochen ab Auf : Türkei : 71000 € : 1427.1 € : 110 to : 900 mm : 540 mm : 180 mm : 14 - 114 mm : 60 1/min : 490x325 mm : 90 mm : 280 mm : 7.5 kW : 1870 mm : 1320 mm : 2800 mm : 5600 kg 8-fold ram guide front protection by light guard manual ram adjustment mech. overload safety device automatic lubrication user manual in GERMAN and ENGLISH according to CE rules The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

Sprzedawca: Land-at HESSE+CO GesmbH
Cena: 60.400 €

: neu : ca. 12 - 14 Wochen ab Auf : Türkei : 60400 € : 1214.04 € : 63 to : 750 mm : 500 mm : 170 mm : 4 - 102 mm : 54 1/min : 490x325 mm : 90 mm : 270 mm : 440 mm : 7.5 kW : 1800 mm : 1150 mm : 2750 mm : 4100 kg 8-fold ram guide front protection by light guard manual stroke adjustment ram adjustment witch ratchet drive over gear combined clutch brake unit with pneumatic control fix table single and continuous stroke foot pedal and 2 hand control mech. overload safety device automatic central lubrication user manual in GERMAN and ENGLISH according to CE rules The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

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