Wytaczarka stołowa UNION BFK 130/1

maszyny do obróbki metalu / wiertarkofrezarki i centra obróbcze

Producent: UNION

Model:BFK 130/1

Typ maszyny: Wytaczarka stołowa

Numer pozycji: 166018348

Ilość: 1

Data: 11.03.2025

Rok produkcji:

Lokalizacja: Deutschland


Maszyna w magazynie:Tak


spindle diameter: 130 mm
x-travel: 3500 mm
y-travel: 2050 mm
z-travel: 1050 mm
spindle taper ISO: 50
turning speeds: 4-1120 U/min
Feed: 5-2000 mm/min
bore spindle stroke: 850 mm
main drive motor: 45 kW
table surface area: 1600x2000 mm
Control: Heidenhain
type: TNC 426
workpiece weight: 12500 kg
: 720 mm
radial face slide travel: 240 mm
total power requirement: 90 kW
weight of M5324244 the machine ca.: 31,1 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 6,5x5x5x4 m

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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spindle diameter: 130 mm
x-travel: 3500 mm
y-travel: 2050 mm
z-travel: 1050 mm
spindle taper ISO: 50
turning speeds: 4-1120 U/min
Feed: 5-2000 mm/min
bore spindle stroke: 850 mm
main drive motor: 45 kW
table surface area: 1600x2000 mm
Control: Heidenhain
type: TNC 426
workpiece weight: 12500 kg
: 720 mm
radial face slide travel: 240 mm
total power requirement: 90 kW
weight of M5324244 the machine ca.: 31,1 M5324244 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 6,5x5x5x4 m

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1077-03802
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RESALE członek od 2008

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więcej UNION BFK 130/1 + similar UNION-Model

1994 UNIONBFK 130
1987 UNIONCBFK 130/2
1982 UNIONBFT 130/6
1979 UNIONBFT 130/6

Cena: sold UNION BFK 130/1 + podobne UNION-Model

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1977 UNIONBFT 130/5 25000 EUR [Feb 2020]
1988 UNIONBFT 130/7 79000 EUR [Jul 2017]
1982 UNIONBFT 130/6 15000 EUR [Nov 2017]
1989 UNIONBFP 130 NC 49000 EUR [Feb 2017]
1989 UNIONBFT 130/7 77000 EUR [Jul 2017]
1982 UNIONBFT 130/6 15000 EUR [Nov 2017]
1989 UNIONBFP 130 NC 45000 Eur [Feb 2017]
1982 UNIONBFT 130/6 15000 EUR [Nov 2017]
1996 UNIONBFP 130/8 75000 EUR [Mar 2018]
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