Maszyna do cięcia laserowego TRUMPF TruLaser 5030 Fiber (L68) 5000 Watt + TruStore

maszyny do obróbki metalu / obróbka blach

Producent: TRUMPF

Model:TruLaser 5030 Fiber (L68) 5000 Watt + TruStore

Typ maszyny: Maszyna do cięcia laserowego

Numer pozycji: 165710012

Ilość: 1

Data: 25.11.2024

Rok produkcji: 2015

Lokalizacja: Land-de Niemcy


Maszyna w magazynie:Tak


Standard configuration

- Working range in 3000 x 1500 mm
- Closed machine
- Integrated cabinet
- Automatic pallet changer in longitudinal direction
- Torque drive in combination with direct linear drives
- Enclosed beam delivery via fiber optic cable laser light cable
- Chiller for machine cooling
- Integrated electrical cabinets with inside light
- Power supply for TruDisk by the machine
- Conveyor belt for small parts / slug
- Work area lighting
- Positioning laser diode
- Spray device
- PierceLine
- FocusLine
- NitroLine
- PlasmaLine
- Automatic nozzle cleaning

TRUMPF laser
- Solid-state laser TruDisk 5001 with 1 laser output
- 1 fiber optic cable according standard layout (laser next to machine)
- Chiller for laser cooling
- Excitation by pumping diodes
- Laser power control

Cutting head Cutting unit
- Universal Cutting unit with complete adaptive lense system
- Single cutting head strategy
- Protection glass to avoid lense contamination
- Protection glass monitoring
- ControlLine: automatic height control and sheet edge detection

- TruTops Laser via network access (PC provided by the customer)
- Easy Shop floor programming
- Fast Re-production
- Control Sinumerik 840D SL
- 19 Touch screen
- Integrated technology tables
- Automatic shut-down device
- Programmable cutting gas pressure
- ContourLine
- Microweld
- FastLine
- FlyLine
- AdjustLine
- Teleservice
- Integrated O5344949 e-shop

Data transmission
- USB-interface
- RJ45 network connection

- CE label
- Light barriers
- Multi chamber exhaust system
- Compact dust extractor
- Machine enclosure with certificated window (right door)
- Electrical curl up roof

- Copper cutting package
- Brass cutting package
- BrightLine fiber
- CoolLilne
- Integrated video camera
- Drop&Cut
- Wide transverse conveyor belt with tilt container
- Nozzle changer
- MobileControl
- Smart Collision Prevention

- Liftmaster Compact

TruStore 3030
-Zwilings-Lagerturm mit 52 Lagerfächer
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Standard configuration

- Working range in 3000 x 1500 mm
- Closed machine
- Integrated cabinet
- Automatic pallet changer in longitudinal direction
- Torque drive in combination with direct linear drives
- Enclosed beam delivery via fiber optic cable laser light cable
- Chiller for machine cooling
- Integrated electrical cabinets with inside light
- Power supply for TruDisk by the machine
- Conveyor belt for small parts / slug
- Work area lighting
- Positioning laser diode
- Spray device
- PierceLine
- FocusLine
- NitroLine
- PlasmaLine
- Automatic nozzle cleaning

TRUMPF laser
- Solid-state laser TruDisk 5001 with 1 laser output
- 1 fiber optic cable according standard layout (laser next to machine)
- Chiller for laser cooling
- Excitation by pumping diodes
- Laser power control

Cutting head Cutting unit
- Universal Cutting unit with complete adaptive lense system
- Single cutting head strategy
- Protection glass to avoid lense contamination
- Protection glass monitoring
- ControlLine: automatic height control and sheet edge detection

- TruTops Laser via network access (PC provided by the customer)
- Easy Shop floor programming
- Fast Re-production
- Control Sinumerik 840D SL
- 19 Touch screen
- Integrated technology tables
- Automatic shut-down device
- Programmable cutting gas pressure
- ContourLine
- Microweld
- FastLine
- FlyLine
- AdjustLine
- Teleservice
- Integrated O5344949 O5344949 e-shop

Data transmission
- USB-interface
- RJ45 network connection

- CE label
- Light barriers
- Multi chamber exhaust system
- Compact dust extractor
- Machine enclosure with certificated window (right door)
- Electrical curl up roof

- Copper cutting package
- Brass cutting package
- BrightLine fiber
- CoolLilne
- Integrated video camera
- Drop&Cut
- Wide transverse conveyor belt with tilt container
- Nozzle changer
- MobileControl
- Smart Collision Prevention

- Liftmaster Compact

TruStore 3030
-Zwilings-Lagerturm mit 52 Lagerfächer
seller offer No. resale 3
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Oskar Broziat Maschinen AG

Pan Reto Bossart
8274 Tägerwilen

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