Przenośnik taśmowy TRANSNORM 1880-400-300 TS 1200

maszyny do obsługi mechanicznej, sprzęt do przechowywania / przenośniki taśmowe

Producent: TRANSNORM

Model:1880-400-300 TS 1200

Typ maszyny: Przenośnik taśmowy

Numer pozycji: 163615160

Ilość: 1

Data: 14.03.2025

Rok produkcji: 1996

Lokalizacja: Land-de Niemcy Würzburg

Cena: 1,665 EUR

Maszyna w magazynie:Tak


Transnorm Belt conveyor 1880-400-300
Manufacturer: Transnorm
Type: TS 1200 belt conveyor
Year of manufacture: 1996
Condition: good (used)
Motor: fully functional
conveyor length (FL): 1880 mm
nominal / external width (NB): 400 mm
belt width (GB): 300 mm
Motor type: SEW gear motor
Motor power: kW 0.37 220-240V
Conveyor speed: 1.05m/s, adjustable conveying speed with frequency converter also possible at extra cost
Drive: head drive

Delivery: without supports (if needed please ask)
Optional: supports

Price plus VAT central warehouse Dr. Sonntag GmbH & Co. KG 97076 Würzburg

Construction year: 1996
condition: good (used)
Conveying length in mm: 1880
Nominal / outside width in mm: 400
Belt width in mm: 300
Driven: YES
Engine type: SEW Eurodrive
KW: 0,37/S1
Ampere: 2,10
scope of delivery: without D5333323 supports and side guides

For individual, professional advice, simply get in touch with us.
Simply contact us by phone or by mail.
We will be happy to help you with the planning and implementation of your projects.

We look forward to hearing from you.

With kind regards

Your team of Dr. Sonntag GmbH & Co. KG
Your specialist and contact for intralogistics
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Transnorm Belt conveyor 1880-400-300
Manufacturer: Transnorm
Type: TS 1200 belt conveyor
Year of manufacture: 1996
Condition: good (used)
Motor: fully functional
conveyor length (FL): 1880 mm
nominal / external width (NB): 400 mm
belt width (GB): 300 mm
Motor type: SEW gear motor
Motor power: kW 0.37 220-240V
Conveyor speed: 1.05m/s, adjustable conveying speed with frequency converter also possible at extra cost
Drive: head drive

Delivery: without supports (if needed please ask)
Optional: supports

Price plus VAT central warehouse Dr. Sonntag GmbH & Co. KG 97076 Würzburg

Construction year: 1996
condition: good (used)
Conveying length in mm: 1880
Nominal / outside width in mm: 400
Belt width in mm: 300
Driven: YES
Engine type: SEW Eurodrive
KW: 0,37/S1
Ampere: 2,10
scope of delivery: without D5333323 supports and side D5333323 guides

For individual, professional advice, simply get in touch with us.
Simply contact us by phone or by mail.
We will be happy to help you with the planning and implementation of your projects.

We look forward to hearing from you.

With kind regards

Your team of Dr. Sonntag GmbH & Co. KG
Your specialist and contact for intralogistics
seller offer No. resale RA1391
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więcej Transnorm 1880-400-300 TS 1200 + similar Transnorm-Model

1996 TRANSNORMTS 1200/1600-105 595 EUR
2001 TRANSNORMGF 2500-1300-1200 4367 EUR
1999 TRANSNORM1200-600-500 1575 EUR
2014 TRANSNORM1200-700-600 1774 EUR
2020 TRANSNORM90°-1370-1200-IR2500 6950 EUR
2001 TRANSNORMTS 1200 848 x 500 mm 1150 EUR
2001 TRANSNORMTS 1200 848 x 500 mm 1150 EUR
2020 TRANSNORMTS1600-140 FH2 90°-1400-1200 IR2500 6239 EUR
2008 TRANSNORM45°-1200-900-800 IR800 1551 mm 4560 EUR

Cena: sold Transnorm 1880-400-300 TS 1200 + podobne Transnorm-Model

1995 TRANSNORM1200-1000 IR 900 2645 EUR [Sep 2019]
2008 TRANSNORMTS 1200 860 EUR [Jul 2015]
TRANSNORMTS 1200 915 EUR [Oct 2017]
2008 TRANSNORMTS 1200 870 EUR [Jul 2015]
2006 TRANSNORMTS 1500 + TS 1200 2995 EUR [Sep 2018]
2008 TRANSNORMTS 1200 880 EUR [Jul 2015]
TRANSNORM960-830-800 IR 1200 2950 EUR [Aug 2019]
2008 TRANSNORMTS 1200 1072 EUR [Jul 2015]
2008 TRANSNORMTS 1200 880 EUR [Jul 2015]