popychacz elektromechaniczny TRANSNORM 1640-1000 90°

maszyny do obsługi mechanicznej, sprzęt do przechowywania / inne maszyny do obsługi mechanicznej

Producent: TRANSNORM

Model:1640-1000 90°

Typ maszyny: popychacz elektromechaniczny

Numer pozycji: 162474227

Ilość: 3

Data: 11.03.2025

Lokalizacja: Land-de Niemcy Würzburg

Cena: 1,696 EUR

Maszyna w magazynie:Tak



electromechanical pusher
installed in a support frame made of aluminum profiles
Push-off of the incoming material 90° to the conveying direction
Make: Transnorm
outer dimensions of the frame: LxWxH=1.720x1.080x940 mm
suitable for infeed conveyor up to 1000 mm total width
dimensions of the push-off panel: H=600 mm, W=650 mm

total weight: 108 kg

condition: good (used)
Construction year: 2008
Länge in mm: 1720
Width in mm: 1080
Height in mm: 940
Nominal / outside width in mm: 1080
Antrieb: SEW Getriebemotor mit MOVIMOT
Electric data: 380-500
KW: 0,055/0,55/S1

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electromechanical pusher
installed in a support frame made of aluminum profiles
Push-off of the incoming material 90° to the conveying direction
Make: Transnorm
outer dimensions of the frame: LxWxH=1.720x1.080x940 mm
suitable for infeed conveyor up to 1000 mm total width
dimensions of the push-off panel: H=600 mm, W=650 mm

total weight: 108 kg

condition: good (used)
Construction year: 2008
Länge in mm: 1720
Width in mm: 1080
Height in mm: 940
Nominal / outside width in mm: 1080
Antrieb: SEW Getriebemotor mit MOVIMOT
Electric data: 380-500
KW: 0,055/0,55/S1

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więcej Transnorm 1640-1000 90° + similar Transnorm-Model

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2014 TRANSNORMGF 6000+800-900-800 3321 EUR
2014 TRANSNORM19750-900-800 5609 EUR
2014 TRANSNORM19830-900-800 5609 EUR
2006 TRANSNORM670-600 IR250 + 900-670-600 3240 EUR
2014 TRANSNORMGF 15670-900-800 5267 EUR
2014 TRANSNORM22000-900-800 6570 EUR
2012 TRANSNORM90°-1050-900 IR900 4230 EUR
2001 TRANSNORM180°-900-800 IR800 3351 EUR
2001 TRANSNORMGF 29750-900-800 7665 EUR

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