wózki widłowe, podnośniki / ręczne wózki paletowe

Producent: STILL


Numer pozycji: 165873648

Ilość: 1

Data: 11.12.2024

Rok produkcji:

Lokalizacja: Land-de Niemcy 54568 Gerolstein


Maszyna w magazynie:Tak

Still electric pallet truck in excellent working condition, ready for immediate use. Below are the details:

Pallet Truck Specifications:
Brand: Still
Condition: Used, fully functional
Application: Pallet transport in warehouses, logistics centers, and production halls
High maneuverability
Ergonomic control handle
Sturdy M5363127 construction
Battery Specifications:
Battery Manufacturer: MIDAC
Type: 24V 2PzS250
Voltage: 24V
Capacity: 250 Ah
Weight: 217 kg
Battery Year of Manufacture: 10/2019
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Still electric pallet truck in excellent working condition, ready for immediate use. Below are the details:

Pallet Truck Specifications:
Brand: Still
Condition: Used, fully functional
Application: Pallet transport in warehouses, logistics centers, and production halls
High maneuverability
Ergonomic control handle
Sturdy M5363127 construction
Battery M5363127 Specifications:
Battery Manufacturer: MIDAC
Type: 24V 2PzS250
Voltage: 24V
Capacity: 250 Ah
Weight: 217 kg
Battery Year of Manufacture: 10/2019
seller offer No. resale 165873648
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M Industrial Service

Pan Dieter Reiter

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więcej STILL EXU + similar STILL-Model

2009 STILLEXU-S 22 Niederhubwagen
2011 STILLEXU-S-22 2300 EUR

Cena: sold STILL EXU + podobne STILL-Model

2013 STILLEXU 16 nur 406Bh Tandem 24V 2500 EUR [May 2020]
2011 STILLEXU-S-22 3300 EUR [Sep 2020]
2015 STILLEXU 16 Tandem Batterie neu 2900 EUR [Jul 2021]
2012 STILLEXU H18 nur 147Bh Kombigerät 3250 EUR [May 2020]
2010 STILLEXU 18 Tandem Batterie neu 2900 EUR [Jul 2021]