Przecinarka do płyt STAHL max 6 cm Steine

maszyneria konstrukcyjna / pojazdy samowyładowcze

Producent: STAHL

Model:max 6 cm Steine

Typ maszyny: Przecinarka do płyt

Numer pozycji: 161996097

Ilość: 1

Data: 10.03.2025

Lokalizacja: Land-de Niemcy 26215 Wiefelstede, DE

Cena: 250 EUR


Plate cutter, composite stone cutter, stone pincers, plaster stone pincers

-for effortlessly cutting slabs and composite stones to length through the translation of the eccentric lever
-great stability with low weight
-exact guidance of the cutting knife
-pendulum T534106 suspended upper knife for cutting materials that have a conical cross-section (curbs)
-Max. for 6 cam stones
-Own weight: 10 kg
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Plate cutter, composite stone cutter, stone pincers, plaster stone pincers

-for effortlessly cutting slabs and composite stones to length through the translation of the eccentric lever
-great stability with low weight
-exact guidance of the cutting knife
-pendulum T534106 suspended upper knife for T534106 cutting materials that have a conical cross-section (curbs)
-Max. for 6 cam stones
-Own weight: 10 kg
seller offer No. resale 10891
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więcej Stahl max 6 cm Steine + similar Stahl-Model

STAHLmax Laenge 780 mm 130 EUR