Ciężki wózek transportowy 3,5 tony 3000/1500/H545 mm

maszyny do obsługi mechanicznej, sprzęt do przechowywania / inna technika magazynowa


Model:3000/1500/H545 mm

Typ maszyny: Ciężki wózek transportowy 3,5 tony

Numer pozycji: 166019613

Ilość: 1

Data: 11.03.2025

Lokalizacja: Land-de Niemcy 26215 Wiefelstede, DE



Platform trolley, transport trolley, heavy-duty trolley, table trolley, assembly trolley, industrial trailer, container dolly, double turntable steering, heavy-duty trailer

-Heavy-duty transport vehicle: Industrial trailer with 2-axle turntable steering
-Platform: 3000/1500/H545 mm
-Load capacity: 3.5 t
-Tires: 75x305/400
-Drawbar: reversible, trailer coupling on both sides
-Quantity: 1 piece available
-Total dimensions: 4730/1500/H545 mm
-Weight: 470 kg
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Platform trolley, transport trolley, heavy-duty trolley, table trolley, assembly trolley, industrial trailer, container dolly, double turntable steering, heavy-duty trailer

-Heavy-duty transport vehicle: Industrial trailer with 2-axle turntable steering
-Platform: 3000/1500/H545 mm
-Load capacity: 3.5 t
-Tires: 75x305/400
-Drawbar: T534106 reversible, trailer coupling on both sides
-Quantity: 1 piece available
-Total dimensions: 4730/1500/H545 mm
-Weight: 470 kg
seller offer No. resale 33595
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