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10 podobne maszyny:

Maszyna: TRUMPF TruLaser Tube 5000 FIBER 3kW (T06
Rok produkcji: 2015
Sprzedawca: Land-de PTF Maschinenhandelsgesellschaft mbH

Working hours laser on: 32824 h Working hours beam on: 28572 Laser power: 3000 kW Max. steel: 8 mm Max. stainless steel: 5 mm Max. aluminium: 6 mm Max. copper: 4 mm Max. brass: 4 mm Length: 18000 mm Width: 9000 mm Height: 2800 mm Machine weight: 21000 kg max. tube length: 6500 mm max. length finished parts: 4500 mm max. tube diameter: 152 / 170 mm min. tube diameter: 12 mm max. tube weight: 25 kg/m

Maszyna: TRUMPF TRULASER TUBE Serie 5000
Sprzedawca: Land-it STOCKEUROSTOCK SRL

CIĘCIE LASEROWE RUR TRUMPF TRULASER SERIA 5000 3200 W Rok 2003 Maksymalne obciążenie 6000mmm. Automatyczny wyładunek detali 3000 mm Działa na rurach do cięcia laserowego: żelaza, stali nierdzewnej i aluminium. Maszyna w doskonałym stanie widocznym w działaniu, z przebiegiem ok. 24 tys. godzin

Maszyna: TRUMPF TruLaser Tube 5000 (T05) 3200
Rok produkcji: 2013
Sprzedawca: Land-de Oskar Broziat Maschinen AG

Standard equipment machine - Machine bed for automatic loading up to 6.5 m - Envelope circle diameter of round tube up to 152 mm - Rejection station 3 m (including scrap conveyor belt with container) - Nitro Line - FocusLine - Laser power control - Programmable cutting gas pressure - Automatic switch-off - Work area lighting Laser - CO2 laser TruFlow 2000 - Laser logbook function - Laser cooling unit cutting head - Lens cutting head with 155 mm focal length - ControlLine steering - Sinumerik 840D SL - Teleservice via Internet Data transfer - RJ 45 network port, USB port Security - CE marking - Multi-beam light barriers - Compact dust extractor 1500 Nm³/h - Protective cabin with Makrol ...

Maszyna: TRUMPF TruLaser Tube 5000 (T01) 3200
Rok produkcji: 2006
Sprzedawca: Land-de Oskar Broziat Maschinen AG

standard equipment - Stable machine frame with integrated laser unit - CO2 laser TLF 2000 high-frequency excited, cooling unit - Drives: Maintenance-free three-phase servomotors - Hl-LAS high pressure cutting - Fast editing with SprintLas - Programmable cutting gas pressure setting - Laser cutting head with 5 lens, DIAS III - Cutting head quick-change device - Laser power control - Laser logbook function - Automatic switch-off - Workroom lighting - Sinumerik 840D control: Open control based on a PC, simple operation, diagnostic functions, maintenance log, technology data, teleservice, 3.5 floppy disk drive, RJ45 network connection - Safety: Multiple beam light barriers, fully encapsulated  ...

Rok produkcji: 2009
TOP Sprzedawca: Land-de I-H&S GmbH
Lokalizacja:: Backnang

Standard configuration ? Solid machine frame with integrated laser unit ? CO2 laser TLF 2700, radio-frequency excitation, chiller ? Motors: maintenance-free 3-phase servo motors ? NitroLine High pressure cutting ? High-speed processing with SprintLine ? Programmable cutting gas pressure ? Laser cutting head with 5 lens, DIAS III ? Cutting head-quick change device ? ControlLine ? Laser power control ? Laser logbook function ? Automatic shutdown ? Work area lighting ? Sinumerik 840D control: Open PC-based control system, easy to use, Online help, diagnostic functions, maintenance logbook, technology data,Teleservice, 3.5 floppy drive, RJ45/BNC network connection ? Safety: Multi-beam light ba ...

Maszyna: TRUMPF TruLaser Tube 5000
Rok produkcji: 2016
Sprzedawca: Bästlein Gebrauchtmaschinenhandel GmbH
Lokalizacja:: Günzburg

x-travel: max. 6500 mm y-travel: max. 200 mm z-travel: max. 150 mm workpiece weight: 130 kg connected load: 17,5 kW wall strength: 8 mm : 4 mm Weight of Material maxium: 20 kg/m weight of the machine ca.: 18000 kg The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

Maszyna: TRUMPF TruLaser Tube 5000
Rok produkcji: 2008
Sprzedawca: Land-es Vanto Machines
Lokalizacja:: Barcelona

Maszyna używana w dobrym stanie. Dostępne do natychmiastowej dostawy. - Typ lasera: CO2 - Max. ciężar obrabianego elementu: 120 kg - Moc lasera: 3 kW - Maksymalna grubość materiału ze stali miękkiej: 8 mm - Maksymalna grubość materiału ze stali nierdzewnej: 4 mm - Maksymalna grubość materiału aluminium: 4 mm - Sterowanie: CNC - Waga: 17.500 kg - Wymiary (dł. x szer. x wys.): 18.725 x 6.635 x 2.500 mm

Maszyna: TRUMPF TruLaser Tube 5000 fiber
Rok produkcji: 2017
Sprzedawca: Land-es Vanto Machines
Lokalizacja:: Barcelona

Automatic loading up to 6.5m LoadMaster tube 6,5m with bundle cavity Minimal scratches for LoadMaster tube 6,5m Tube diameter 15mm LoadMaster Tube 6,5 (12mm semi-automatic) Ejection station 3m (incl. conveyor belt) Piece length +1,5m Workpiece tray Nitroline FocusLine ControlLine Laser power control Programmable cutting gas Lens cutting head with 150? focal length SeamLine Tube with interior detection Adaptive clamping technology - feed station Adaptive clamping - sliding chuck - Max. outside diameter of round tubes: 152 mm - Max. outer circle diameter of rectangular tubes: 170 mm - Max. raw material length for automatic loading: 6.500 mm - Max. finished part length: 4.50 ...

Maszyna: TRUMPF TruLaser Tube 7000
Rok produkcji: 2009
TOP Sprzedawca: Land-de I-H&S GmbH
Lokalizacja:: Backnang

Standard configuration Machine ? Solid machine frame with integrated laser resonator ? Feed station with self centering clamps ? Automatic tube support for raw material ? Feeder claws with self centering parallel collet chuck ? High-precision motors: Digital 3-phase servo motors with high precision of the drive axes. ? Part removal station PRS 3001 with brush table, finished parts up to 3000 mm long ? Tube support for finished parts with wheel-away guide rollers ? Enclosed beam delivery ? NitroLine ? FocusLine ? SprintLine ? Laser power control ? Programmable cutting gas pressure ? Automatic shutdown device ? Work area lighting TRUMPF laser ? CO2 laser TruFlow 2000 ? Radio-frequency exci ...

Maszyna: TRUMPF TruLaser Tube 7000
Rok produkcji: 2009
Sprzedawca: Land-es Vanto Machines
Lokalizacja:: Barcelona

OPTIONS INCLUDED: - Laser TruFlow 3600 incl. LensLine - TruTops Tube license software - Ejector station 6m with brush table - Outer circuit diameter 250mm incl. set of clamping jaws incl. guide rollers for ejection station - SeamLine Tube - Tropical version - MDE interface - LoadMaster Tube 6m with bundling cavity, 2 clamps - Scratch-free grouping cavity LoadMaster Tube 6m - LoadMaster Tube 6m oscillating transport stroke - Pitch mandrel - Max. outer circle diameter of rectangular tubes: 250 mm - Max. raw material length for automatic loading: 6.500 mm - Max. finished part length: 6.500 mm - Max. workpiece weight: 25 kg/m / 37.5 kg/m kg - Laser Output: 3,6 kW - Laser Type: C ...

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