Trzy rolki - Giętarka do blach NOSSTEC ( LUNA ) 8266-12/50

maszyny do obróbki metalu / obróbka blach

Producent: NOSSTEC ( LUNA )


Typ maszyny: Trzy rolki - Giętarka do blach

Numer pozycji: 156875673

Ilość: 1

Data: 11.03.2025

Rok produkcji: nowa maszyna

Lokalizacja: Land-de Niemcy Auslieferungslager


Maszyna w magazynie:Tak


sheet width: 1290 mm
plate thickness: 5 mm
pre-bending: ja
roll diameter: 120 mm
roll speed: 1 - 6 m/min
total power requirement: 1,1 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 825 kg
Asymmetry roll arrangement, pre-bending ist possible.
This new machine is in the following sizes obtainable:
working length from 1040 until 2540 mm,
max. plate thickness ( 400 N/mm² ) from 1 until 6,5 mm.
We are P5319061 distributor only for Germany.
Machine dealer with own stock of 2500 m².

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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sheet width: 1290 mm
plate thickness: 5 mm
pre-bending: ja
roll diameter: 120 mm
roll speed: 1 - 6 m/min
total power requirement: 1,1 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 825 kg
Asymmetry roll arrangement, pre-bending ist possible.
This new machine is in the following sizes obtainable:
working length from 1040 until 2540 mm,
max. plate thickness ( 400 N/mm² ) from 1 until 6,5 mm.
We are P5319061 distributor only for P5319061 Germany.
Machine dealer with own stock of 2500 m².

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1082-08089
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Plum & Partner Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH

Pan A. Plum
32257 Bünde

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więcej NOSSTEC ( LUNA ) 8266-12/50 + similar NOSSTEC ( LUNA )-Model

NOSSTEC ( LUNA )8266-12/60