Automaty do cięcia piłą taśmową PEGAS - VOLLAUTOMAT 300x300 A-CNC-F

maszyny do obróbki metalu / piły / Automaty do cięcia piłą taśmową


Model:300x300 A-CNC-F

Typ maszyny: Automaty do cięcia piłą taśmową

Numer pozycji: 166046613

Ilość: 1

Data: 11.03.2025

Rok produkcji: 2006

Lokalizacja: 49779 Niederlangen


Maszyna w magazynie:Tak


cutting diameter: 290 mm
saw band length: 4000 x 27 x 0,9 mm
table height: -- mm
cutting width: 300 mm
band speed: 20 - 100 m/min
load centre: 290 mm
rotary disc high: 290 x 300 mm
capacity 45 degrees: round: 260 mm
capacity 45 degrees: flat: 280 x 240 mm
height of the workpiece: 1800 x 1900 x 1750 mm
weight of the machine ca.: 2200 kg
- Fully automatic electro-hydraulic band saw
- electric feed unit - max. feed 520 mm
- front control panel
- electro-hydraulic material clamping
- semi-automatic & automatic mode selectable
- Miter cuts - H5351851 Automatic operation up to 45° right
- Miter cuts - Semi-automatic operation up to 60° right
- stepless adjustment of the saw blade speed

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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cutting diameter: 290 mm
saw band length: 4000 x 27 x 0,9 mm
table height: -- mm
cutting width: 300 mm
band speed: 20 - 100 m/min
load centre: 290 mm
rotary disc high: 290 x 300 mm
capacity 45 degrees: round: 260 mm
capacity 45 degrees: flat: 280 x 240 mm
height of the workpiece: 1800 x 1900 x 1750 mm
weight of the machine ca.: 2200 kg
- Fully automatic electro-hydraulic band saw
- electric feed unit - max. feed 520 mm
- front control panel
- electro-hydraulic material clamping
- semi-automatic & automatic mode selectable
- Miter cuts - H5351851 Automatic operation up to 45° H5351851 right
- Miter cuts - Semi-automatic operation up to 60° right
- stepless adjustment of the saw blade speed

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1125-3170058
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Heinz Sanders GmbH

Pan J?rgen Suntrup
49779 Niederlangen

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