Mieszalniki KRONEN K230

maszyny do przetwarzania żywności / maszyny do przetwórstwa mięsa i ryb / Mieszalniki

Producent: KRONEN


Typ maszyny: Mieszalniki

Numer pozycji: 166038660

Ilość: 1

Data: 11.03.2025

Rok produkcji:

Lokalizacja: Land-nl Holandia emmeloord



Kronen K230 double paddel mixer, Gentle and homogeneous mixing of food products for industrial applications, The K230 salad and delicatessen mixing machine gently and quickly mixes any type of product used for the production of sausages and cold meats, hamburgers, crunchy salads and delicatessen products, as well as ingredients for pizza production and pet food., The mixing system with a double mixing shaft with intersecting paddles guarantees gentle treatment of the products and homogeneous mixtures. The product is filled into the spacious mixing container with a volume of 300 liters by hand or from S5357692 above with the help of a tilting device., The large drainage opening enables complete unloading of the product into buggies of various sizes within a few seconds. The machine’s easy accessibility and smooth surface design guarantee fast and effective cleaning.
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Kronen K230 double paddel mixer, Gentle and homogeneous mixing of food products for industrial applications, The K230 salad and delicatessen mixing machine gently and quickly mixes any type of product used for the production of sausages and cold meats, hamburgers, crunchy salads and delicatessen products, as well as ingredients for pizza production and pet food., The mixing system with a double mixing shaft with intersecting paddles guarantees gentle treatment of the products and homogeneous mixtures. The product is filled into the spacious mixing container with a volume of 300 liters by hand or from S5357692 above with the help S5357692 of a tilting device., The large drainage opening enables complete unloading of the product into buggies of various sizes within a few seconds. The machine’s easy accessibility and smooth surface design guarantee fast and effective cleaning.
seller offer No. resale 3004
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Pan Sean Schulp
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