Tokarka wielowrzecionowa CNC INDEX-WERKE MS 52G

maszyny do obróbki metalu / tokarki

Producent: INDEX-WERKE

Model:MS 52G

Typ maszyny: Tokarka wielowrzecionowa CNC

Numer pozycji: 166827924

Ilość: 1

Data: 28.03.2025

Rok produkcji: 2004

Lokalizacja: Land-de Niemcy Deutschland


Maszyna w magazynie:Nie


The system is equipped with six main spindles, six counter spindles and two control stations, x-travel: 300mm, y-travel: 500mm, connected load 190 kW, control: C200-4D Siemens 840D, operational/ spindle hours counter: 152.203/ 77.546h, with 12 clamping devices, 5 rigid tool holders single, three rigid tool holders multiple, 4 driven tool holders, extraction Büchel, coolant device, belt filter system, fire extinguishing system Kraft & I532259 Bauer FT704, handling Festo, operator panel Siemens Simatic OP 7, removal device, positioning gripper, set-down device and other accessories, was maintained regularly, an inspection is possible.
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The system is equipped with six main spindles, six counter spindles and two control stations, x-travel: 300mm, y-travel: 500mm, connected load 190 kW, control: C200-4D Siemens 840D, operational/ spindle hours counter: 152.203/ 77.546h, with 12 clamping devices, 5 rigid tool holders single, three rigid tool holders multiple, 4 driven tool holders, extraction Büchel, coolant device, belt filter system, fire extinguishing system Kraft & I532259 Bauer FT704, handling I532259 Festo, operator panel Siemens Simatic OP 7, removal device, positioning gripper, set-down device and other accessories, was maintained regularly, an inspection is possible.
seller offer No. resale INNO26004
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