Okleiniarka jednostronna HOMAG 310/9/A20/S2

maszyny do obróbki drewna / inne maszyny do obróbki drewna

Producent: HOMAG


Typ maszyny: Okleiniarka jednostronna

Numer pozycji: 166023023

Ilość: 1

Data: 10.03.2025

Rok produkcji: 2005

Lokalizacja: Land-de Niemcy



Manufacturer: Homag KAL 310/9/A20/S2, Type: 310/9/A20/S2, Year: 2005, Control: Powercontrol, Barcode: möglich, Min-max edge material mm: 0,3-3,0, Work piece width min-max mm: 75, Min.-max. workpiece length in mm: 250, Min.-max. workpiece height in mm: 10-60, Min-max feed m/min: 15-30, Axis control: yes, Infeed table: Winkelanschlag, Einlauflineal gesteuert: yes, Premilling: yes, Fine milling: yes, Application of separation agent: yes, IR zone: yes, Power per lamp: 400, Coil magazine: yes, Strip magazin: no, Mitre stations: yes, Radius milling axis adjustment: yes, 2 motors: FK 13, Magazin : 2 X 6 fach, Radius scraper: yes, Type of scraper: servo B5315207 gesteuert, Scraper with axis adjustment: yes, Spraying system 2: yes, Bonding part EVA: PU Verleimteil, Buffing unit: yes, Barcode: möglich, Workpiece support: yes, Hover cussion table: yes, Return type: TFU 140/L/20/08/105 Bauyeshr 2018, FREE TEXT: PU Vorschmelzer FE-MA-Tech, Year :2005
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Manufacturer: Homag KAL 310/9/A20/S2, Type: 310/9/A20/S2, Year: 2005, Control: Powercontrol, Barcode: möglich, Min-max edge material mm: 0,3-3,0, Work piece width min-max mm: 75, Min.-max. workpiece length in mm: 250, Min.-max. workpiece height in mm: 10-60, Min-max feed m/min: 15-30, Axis control: yes, Infeed table: Winkelanschlag, Einlauflineal gesteuert: yes, Premilling: yes, Fine milling: yes, Application of separation agent: yes, IR zone: yes, Power per lamp: 400, Coil magazine: yes, Strip magazin: no, Mitre stations: yes, Radius milling axis adjustment: yes, 2 motors: FK 13, Magazin : 2 X 6 fach, Radius scraper: yes, Type of scraper: servo B5315207 gesteuert, Scraper with axis B5315207 adjustment: yes, Spraying system 2: yes, Bonding part EVA: PU Verleimteil, Buffing unit: yes, Barcode: möglich, Workpiece support: yes, Hover cussion table: yes, Return type: TFU 140/L/20/08/105 Bauyeshr 2018, FREE TEXT: PU Vorschmelzer FE-MA-Tech, Year :2005
seller offer No. resale 0000101786
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więcej Homag 310/9/A20/S2 + similar Homag-Model

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Cena: sold Homag 310/9/A20/S2 + podobne Homag-Model

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