Tokarka pionowa HESSAPP DVH 250

maszyny do obróbki metalu / tokarki

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Kemmerich Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH
[ profil dealera ]

Pan Andreas Kemmerich
40789 Monheim am Rhein

  • +49 2173 ... telefon

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RESALE członek od 2014

  • lista maszyn (114)
Numer pozycji: 156364791 Ilość: 1 Data: 22.12.2024
Rok produkcji: 1995 Lokalizacja: Land-de Niemcy ab Lager Monheim am Rhein
Producent: HESSAPP
Model: DVH 250
Typ maszyny: Tokarka pionowa
Opis: Tokarka pionowa HESSAPP DVH 250

używana maszyna

turning diameter: 200 mm
swing diameter: 250 mm
turning height: 350 mm
control: Siemens Sinumerik 840 C
spindle diameter in front bearing: 100 mm
feed range: 0,1 - 20000 mm/min
rapid traverse: 20 m/min
stroke of vertical slide: 300 mm
spindle head DIN 55026 - Size: A 6
: 50 - 6500 1/min
Speed range drive tool: 0 - 3000 1/min
total power requirement: 40 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 8 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 4,5 x 4,0 x 3,5 m
equipped with:
- CNC Control Siemens 840 D
- Tool turret for 12 tools VDI 40
- driven tools on station K41244297 1/4/7/10
- conveyor belt
- no coolant system (machines was added to a centrelized coolant system)

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1020-16137
Maszyna w magazynie: Tak
Seller-item-No.: 1020-16137
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więcej HESSAPP DVH 250 + similar HESSAPP-Model

2005 HESSAPPDVH 450 e

Cena: sold HESSAPP DVH 250 + podobne HESSAPP-Model

1994 HESSAPPDVH 250 10000 EUR [Oct 2015]