Maszyny obwiedniowe z pionowej osi przedmiotu obrabianego dla cylindrycznego zazębienie GLEASON- HURTH GENESIS 210 HIC

maszyny do obróbki metalu / frezarki / Maszyny obwiedniowe z pionowej osi przedmiotu obrabianego dla cylindrycznego zazębienie



Typ maszyny: Maszyny obwiedniowe z pionowej osi przedmiotu obrabianego dla cylindrycznego zazębienie

Numer pozycji: 164868285

Ilość: 1

Data: 11.03.2025

Rok produkcji: 2010

Lokalizacja: Malsch


Maszyna w magazynie:Tak


max. wheel diameter: 210 mm
gear width: 350 mm
max. module: 4
min. module: 0,3
Control: Siemens 840 D Powerline
turning speeds: 300 - 4000 U/min
maximum axial offset: 300 mm
tailstock adjustment: 350 mm
swival range +/-: 40 °
total power requirement: 46 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 9,5 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 6,2 x 2,9 x 3,5 m
Genesis 210HiC - Vertical Hobbing Machines with Optional Chamfer Rolling. The
Genesis Hobbing Machines with vertical workpiece axis offer highly productive
gear hobbing with optional chamfering and deburring capability. Workpiece
diameter, max. 210 mm. Module, max. 3/4 E5332339 mm.

Workstation consisting of:
-- Gleason milling machine Genesisi 210 HIC
-- Borries embosser 315 WP-C
-- Promot-Automation loading and unloading unit

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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max. wheel diameter: 210 mm
gear width: 350 mm
max. module: 4
min. module: 0,3
Control: Siemens 840 D Powerline
turning speeds: 300 - 4000 U/min
maximum axial offset: 300 mm
tailstock adjustment: 350 mm
swival range +/-: 40 °
total power requirement: 46 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 9,5 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 6,2 x 2,9 x 3,5 m
Genesis 210HiC - Vertical Hobbing Machines with Optional Chamfer Rolling. The
Genesis Hobbing Machines with vertical workpiece axis offer highly productive
gear hobbing with optional chamfering and deburring capability. Workpiece
diameter, max. 210 mm. Module, max. 3/4 E5332339 mm.

Workstation E5332339 consisting of:
-- Gleason milling machine Genesisi 210 HIC
-- Borries embosser 315 WP-C
-- Promot-Automation loading and unloading unit

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1058-24186
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Emuk GmbH Werkzeugmaschinen

Pan Karlheinz Jung
76316 Malsch

RESALE członek od 2010

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