Automaty tokarskie wzdłużne (CNC) MAIER ML 32-F2

maszyny do obróbki metalu / tokarki / Automaty tokarskie wzdłużne (CNC)

Producent: MAIER

Model:ML 32-F2

Typ maszyny: Automaty tokarskie wzdłużne (CNC)

Numer pozycji: 166635010

Ilość: 1

Data: 13.03.2025

Rok produkcji: 2019

Lokalizacja: Deutschland


Maszyna w magazynie:Tak


turning diameter over bed: 32 mm
spindle passage: 32 mm
turning length: 450 mm
Control: Fanuc 31i-Model B
c-axis: 0,001 Grad
gripping station: 32 mm
c-axis: 0,001 0
speeds: 6000 U/min
turret (x-stations): 2x16 Stationen
worktool system: 16 Stirnseite
worktool system: 16 Quer-Rückseite
worktool system: 5 Drehmeißel/Turn
total power requirement: 3,7/5,5 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 4,6 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 2,6 x 2 x 1,9 m
driven tools: 24 16+8
bar loader: FMB 3-36/3200
CNC Swiss type lathe Maier ML 32-F2, year 2019 with loading magazine FMB 3-36
Very good condition, few working hours
# Vib Turn chip breaking software
# FMB 3-36 is equipped with two channels 22 and 32mm.
# Pick-up spindle is equipped with Forkardt chuck.
Max. overlap diameter 9mm
# Extended headstock stroke Z1 axis 450mm (main spindle)
# Extended headstock stroke Z2-axis 340mm (pick-up spindle)
# High pressure pump 140bar D5324947 with paper belt filter
# Pneumatic guide bush unit up to 33mm with 3 switching positions
(open, closed and guiding without grippers)
# Discharge of long parts
# Operating hours: Control On 9781 h / In progress 6095 h
# Hyfra oil cooler, model Alpha 5

New price € 443,530

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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turning diameter over bed: 32 mm
spindle passage: 32 mm
turning length: 450 mm
Control: Fanuc 31i-Model B
c-axis: 0,001 Grad
gripping station: 32 mm
c-axis: 0,001 0
speeds: 6000 U/min
turret (x-stations): 2x16 Stationen
worktool system: 16 Stirnseite
worktool system: 16 Quer-Rückseite
worktool system: 5 Drehmeißel/Turn
total power requirement: 3,7/5,5 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 4,6 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 2,6 x 2 x 1,9 m
driven tools: 24 16+8
bar loader: FMB 3-36/3200
CNC Swiss type lathe Maier ML 32-F2, year 2019 with loading magazine FMB 3-36
Very good condition, few working hours
# Vib Turn chip breaking software
# FMB 3-36 is equipped with two channels 22 and 32mm.
# Pick-up spindle is equipped with Forkardt chuck.
Max. overlap diameter 9mm
# Extended headstock stroke Z1 axis 450mm (main spindle)
# Extended headstock stroke Z2-axis 340mm (pick-up spindle)
# High pressure pump 140bar D5324947 with paper belt D5324947 filter
# Pneumatic guide bush unit up to 33mm with 3 switching positions
(open, closed and guiding without grippers)
# Discharge of long parts
# Operating hours: Control On 9781 h / In progress 6095 h
# Hyfra oil cooler, model Alpha 5

New price € 443,530

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1092-02926
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Detlef Jahn e. K.

Pan Detlef Jahn
75331 Engelsbrand

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