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Pojemność: 400 l Ogrzewanie: gazowe, 36 kW Wymiary zewnętrzne 94 x 130 x 122 cm (WxSxG) Wymiary wewnętrzne 48x110x80 cm (WxSxG) Napięcie zasilania: 230/400 V, 50 Hz Pokrywa: izolowana, ze sprężynami i zawiasami ze stali nierdzewnej, Otwarcie 90° Odpływ: tłokowy kurek spustowy typu Wyposażenie: zawory do zimnej i ciepłej wody
length: . mm height: . mm volt: U0 min 65 - max 75 V volt: U2 min 30 - max 36 V ampere: I2 min 250- max 400 A volt: U1 230-500- 50 HZ V ampere: 37-57 622-910-7123 EN 60 974-1 See type plate The tech. Data are manufacturer or operator information and therefore non- binding. We reserve the right to prior sale, Our terms and conditions of sale apply exclusively.About usMore than 500 machines in stockMore than 8,500 m² of storage space, crane capacity 70 tMore than 10,000 items Accessories for your workshopYou want to sell machines, production lines or your company,then contact us. The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
Prasa hydrauliczna 400 ton CAVENAGHI & RIDOLFI Używana maszyna w doskonałym stanie technicznym Moc nominalna 400 ton siła ślizgu 400 ton skok suwaka 1000 mm wymiary stołu 1600 x 1200 mm rozmiar prowadnicy 1600 x 1200 mm Maszyny ze sterownikiem PLC Siemens, remont mechaniczny i wymiana instalacji elektrycznej rok 2017
używany, kpl. Roczna gwarancja, rozmiar płyty 400 x 400 mm, 25 płyt, otwarty wylot, grubość ciasta 25 mm, pojemność 75 litrów, powierzchnia filtra 6,5 m2, ciśnienie max. 10 bar, wymiary 2000 x 800 x 1600 mm, waga ok. ...
max. width of grinding wheel: 145 mm diameter / bore of grinding wheel: 300 mm Flange taper: Reishauer 0 grinding wheel size: 300x145x160 mm Beam flange (machine type Reishauer RZ 400/800/1000) + including grinding disc T1SP 300x145x160 M 4 EW 20° 4GG Cubitron from the company 3M Ceramic grinding discs for tooth flank grinding - 145 mm wide Dimensions according to machine type Reishauer Profiling according to specification module m, running speed gg, pressure angle EW Advantages: - Grinding burn risk is close to zero - Up to 50% shorter sanding times - 2-fold reduction in dressing effort - Twice the service life of grinding discs - Continuous, consistent sanding performance - Significantly ...
max. width of grinding wheel: 145 mm diameter / bore of grinding wheel: 300 mm Flange taper: Reishauer 0 grinding wheel size: 300x145x160 mm Beam flange (machine type Reishauer RZ 400/800/1000) + including grinding disc T1SP 300x145x160 M 5 EW 20° 3GG Cubitron from the company 3M Ceramic grinding discs for tooth flank grinding - 145 mm wide Dimensions according to machine type Reishauer Profiling according to specification module m, running speed gg, pressure angle EW Advantages: - Grinding burn risk is close to zero - Up to 50% shorter sanding times - 2-fold reduction in dressing effort - Twice the service life of grinding discs - Continuous, consistent sanding performance - Significantly ...
max. width of grinding wheel: 145 mm diameter / bore of grinding wheel: 300 mm Flange taper: Reishauer 0 grinding wheel size: 300x145x160 mm Beam flange (machine type Reishauer RZ 400/800/1000) + including grinding disc T1SP 300x145x160 M 3,75 EW20° 3GG Cubitron red from the company 3M Ceramic grinding discs for tooth flank grinding - 145 mm wide Dimensions according to machine type Reishauer Profiling according to specification module m, running speed gg, pressure angle EW Advantages: - Grinding burn risk is close to zero - Up to 50% shorter sanding times - 2-fold reduction in dressing effort - Twice the service life of grinding discs - Continuous, consistent sanding performance - Signific ...
max. width of grinding wheel: 145 mm diameter / bore of grinding wheel: 300 mm Flange taper: Reishauer 0 grinding wheel size: 300x145x160 mm Beam flange (machine type Reishauer RZ 400/800/1000) + including grinding disc T1SP 300x145x160 M 3,75 EW20° 3GG Cubitron blue from the company 3M Ceramic grinding discs for tooth flank grinding - 145 mm wide Dimensions according to machine type Reishauer Profiling according to specification module m, running speed gg, pressure angle EW Advantages: - Grinding burn risk is close to zero - Up to 50% shorter sanding times - 2-fold reduction in dressing effort - Twice the service life of grinding discs - Continuous, consistent sanding performance - Signifi ...
max. width of grinding wheel: 145 mm diameter / bore of grinding wheel: 300 mm Flange taper: Reishauer 0 grinding wheel size: 300x145x160 mm Beam flange (machine type Reishauer RZ 400/800/1000) + including grinding disc T1SP 300x145x160 M 5,75 EW 22° 3GG Cubitron from the company 3M Ceramic grinding discs for tooth flank grinding - 145 mm wide Dimensions according to machine type Reishauer Profiling according to specification module m, running speed gg, pressure angle EW Advantages: - Grinding burn risk is close to zero - Up to 50% shorter sanding times - 2-fold reduction in dressing effort - Twice the service life of grinding discs - Continuous, consistent sanding performance - Significant ...
max. width of grinding wheel: 145 mm diameter / bore of grinding wheel: 300 mm Flange taper: Reishauer 0 grinding wheel size: 300x145x160 mm Beam flange (machine type Reishauer RZ 400/800/1000) + including grinding disc T1SP 300x145x160 M 3 EW20° 4GG Cubitron from the company 3M Ceramic grinding discs for tooth flank grinding - 145 mm wide Dimensions according to machine type Reishauer Profiling according to specification module m, running speed gg, pressure angle EW Advantages: - Grinding burn risk is close to zero - Up to 50% shorter sanding times - 2-fold reduction in dressing effort - Twice the service life of grinding discs - Continuous, consistent sanding performance - Significantly h ...