Maszyny do bębnowania GERD WOLFF VKUE 200

maszyny do obróbki metalu / szlifierki / Maszyny do bębnowania

Producent: GERD WOLFF

Model:VKUE 200

Typ maszyny: Maszyny do bębnowania

Numer pozycji: 160354017

Ilość: 1

Data: 11.03.2025

Rok produkcji: nowa maszyna

Lokalizacja: Land-de Niemcy


Maszyna w magazynie:Tak


charge load: /
: /
weight: 340 kg
diameter: 960 mm
height: 980 mm
0: 219 l

– For different processes with different dimension stone types in the same
– Usually for large-sized and sensitive parts
– Various volumes in the range of 20lt – 1250lt
– Without seperating system
– Deburring and polishing for all kinds of metal and non-metal materials
– Suitable for automation system
– Optional accessories

ZCV Series machines are used for deburring, polishing, roughness removal, oil
and rust removal, descaling, colour changing, delustering, aging etc processes
for metal or non-metal materials.

The machines in this series are generally suitable for big size and sensitive
parts, and the processed parts are collected manually by the staff at the end
of the process.

The bowl design is one of the important factors to achieve the desired surface
quality in the part by keeping the process time in minimum.

The O-shaped design of the bowl is designed by considering vibration
optimization and optimal kneading motion. The bowl is made of special steel and
has a tension-free and vibration-resistant welding structure.

The chassis height and springs are ergonomically designed so that staff can
work with high efficiency.

Its resistance against vibrations has been increased, with rigid and reinforced
support construction, adjustable insulators flexibly mounted to absorb
vibrations are some of the design features of the machine chassis.

Long-lasting special motor series is used which have CE and Ex standards, high
performance, cast-bodied, hollow roller bearings and it does not require

Inside of the bowl is covered with 90 Shore polyurethane material which is
resistant to abrasion. In this way, a long service life is achieved without
requiring repair and maintenance.

Makinalarimizda açip kapatmasi kolay tas bosaltma bölümü bulunmaktadir.

Our machines have a chip unloading section that is easy to open and close.

Electrical panels with CE A5325483 Certificate, designed in accordance with EU
standards, are used. There are main switch and emergency stop switch. The
working time controller and time clock are included in the standard equipment.
Three-phase electrical connection is used.

Optionally, dosing pump control, speed control unit, valve control unit etc.
can be added to the electrical panel. It can work integrated with automation
systems with PLC software

There are clean water inlet and waste water discharge valves. If preferred,
standard water valves can be replaced as solenoid valves. In this case, valve
on-off control can be done from the electrical panel.

The dosing pump mounted on the machine is installed as standard. The dosing
pump automatically sprays the chemicals used in the process in desired periods.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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charge load: /
: /
weight: 340 kg
diameter: 960 mm
height: 980 mm
0: 219 l

– For different processes with different dimension stone types in the same
– Usually for large-sized and sensitive parts
– Various volumes in the range of 20lt – 1250lt
– Without seperating system
– Deburring and polishing for all kinds of metal and non-metal materials
– Suitable for automation system
– Optional accessories

ZCV Series machines are used for deburring, polishing, roughness removal, oil
and rust removal, descaling, colour changing, delustering, aging etc processes
for metal or non-metal materials.

The machines in this series are generally suitable for big size and sensitive
parts, and the processed parts are collected manually by the staff at the end
of the process.

The bowl design is one of the important factors to achieve the desired surface
quality in the part by keeping the process time in minimum.

The O-shaped design of the bowl is designed by considering vibration
optimization and optimal kneading motion. The bowl is made of special steel and
has a tension-free and vibration-resistant welding structure.

The chassis height and springs are ergonomically designed so that staff can
work with high efficiency.

Its resistance against vibrations has been increased, with rigid and reinforced
support construction, adjustable insulators flexibly mounted to absorb
vibrations are some of the design features of the machine chassis.

Long-lasting special motor series is used which have CE and Ex standards, high
performance, cast-bodied, hollow roller bearings and it does not require

Inside of the bowl is covered with 90 Shore polyurethane material which is
resistant to abrasion. In this way, a long service life is achieved without
requiring repair and maintenance.

Makinalarimizda açip kapatmasi kolay tas bosaltma bölümü bulunmaktadir.

Our machines have a chip unloading section that is easy to open and close.

Electrical panels with CE A5325483 Certificate, designed in A5325483 accordance with EU
standards, are used. There are main switch and emergency stop switch. The
working time controller and time clock are included in the standard equipment.
Three-phase electrical connection is used.

Optionally, dosing pump control, speed control unit, valve control unit etc.
can be added to the electrical panel. It can work integrated with automation
systems with PLC software

There are clean water inlet and waste water discharge valves. If preferred,
standard water valves can be replaced as solenoid valves. In this case, valve
on-off control can be done from the electrical panel.

The dosing pump mounted on the machine is installed as standard. The dosing
pump automatically sprays the chemicals used in the process in desired periods.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 2065-H1139
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Pan Ahmet Tüfekci
58256 Ennepetal

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