Akcesoria do stołów spawalniczych DUMETA D-D-300

maszyny do obróbki metalu / spawarki

Producent: DUMETA


Typ maszyny: Akcesoria do stołów spawalniczych

Numer pozycji: 156796742

Ilość: 1

Data: 11.03.2025

Rok produkcji: nowa maszyna

Lokalizacja: Land-de Niemcy Deutschland


Maszyna w magazynie:Tak


clamping range of chuck: 80 - 280 mm
height: 67,5 mm
daylight: 100 mm
external diameter: Futter 300 mm
external diameter: Spannhebel 480 mm
weight: 13 kg
• Self-centering.
• Reversible jaws.
• Fixed clamping levers allow fast workpiece changes.
• Low weight and flat design minimize the center of gravity.

The D-D quick chuck enables a quick product change and is suitable
excellent with frequent component changes. You do not need a W5329549 loose one
Quick release wrench, as the levers are integrated into the quick release chuck.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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clamping range of chuck: 80 - 280 mm
height: 67,5 mm
daylight: 100 mm
external diameter: Futter 300 mm
external diameter: Spannhebel 480 mm
weight: 13 kg
• Self-centering.
• Reversible jaws.
• Fixed clamping levers allow fast workpiece changes.
• Low weight and flat design minimize the center of gravity.

The D-D quick chuck enables a quick product change and is suitable
excellent with frequent component changes. You do not need a W5329549 loose one
Quick W5329549 release wrench, as the levers are integrated into the quick release chuck.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1108-70062
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