Frezarki okrągłego stołu DMG MORI CTX beta 800 TC

maszyny do obróbki metalu / frezarki / Frezarki okrągłego stołu

Producent: DMG MORI

Model:CTX beta 800 TC

Typ maszyny: Frezarki okrągłego stołu

Numer pozycji: 166605826

Ilość: 1

Data: 12.03.2025

Lokalizacja: Land-de Niemcy



- Compound slides with turning/milling spindle as integrated spindle motor, with hydr. locking at turning acceptance HSK-63A DIN 69893 - Y-axis ± 100 mm - B-axis ±110° with pneumatic locking - Tools magazin disc with 1x24 positions - Absolute direct gauging system in the X, Y, Z linear axes - Coolant pump 5 bar; 20l/min - Cooling system for spindle motor, turning/milling spindle, B-axis torque motor - USB interface, Ethernet interface; Control: CELOS with Siemens 840D sl Operate
Working area
Swing diameter over guide ways 500 mm
Turning diameter 500 mm
Max. Turning Length 800 mm
Bar diameter max. 65 mm
Work spindle (left)
Spindle nose Flat flange
Diametre of spindle nose 170h5 mm
Spindle bore 87 mm
Spindle diametre on front bearing 130 mm
Main drive 1
Drive power (100% DC) 25 kW
Speed range - 5000 rpm
Drive power (40% DC) 32 kW
Torque (100% DC) 280 Nm
Max. torque (40% DC) 360 Nm
Torque of C-Axis (holding torque) 280 Nm
C-Axis Speed -5000 rpm
Turning-milling spindle
Spindle taper HSK-A 63 DIN 69893
Spindle speed -12000 rpm
Drive power (100% DC) 19 kW
Drive power (40% DC) 22 kW
Torque (100% DC) 85 Nm
Torque (40% DC) 100 Nm
locking moment 1000 Nm
Floor space/Weight
Dimensions (L x W x H) 4,78 x 2,2 x 2,02 m
Weight approx. 10000 Kg

5-axis simultaneus machining 5-axis simultaneous machining
Chuck rinsing device, mainspindle Chuck rinsing device for main spindle, outside
Chuck rinsing device, subspindle Chuck rinsing device for subspindle, outside
Counter spindle ISM 52 Counter spindle as integrated spindle motor ISM 52 (instead of tailstock) - Sync motor - Drive power (100%/40% d.c.) 12.5/14.5 KW (16.76/19.44 hp) - Torque (100%/40% d.c.) 170/200 Nm 125.37/147.5 lbft - Speed range 0-6000 rpm - Partial hollow clampin
Reinforced coolant pump, 5 - 20 bar Reinforced coolant pump, 5 - 20 bar, adjustable with frequency variation in addition to the standard pump
Extension of the discharge chute about 300 mm Extension of the discharge chute D5352871 at the chip conveyor about 300 mm
Hinged type chip conveyor Hinged typ chip conveyor incl. coolant tank and coolant pump, 6 bar (87 psi)/20 litre/min
Renishaw Powerprobe Reporter App for CELOS Renishaw Powerprobe Reporter App Easy monitoring of geometrical tolerances
Workpiece touch probe RMP40, Renishaw Workpiece touch probe RMP40, Renishaw - Interchangeable in turning/milling spindle - Probe reception and tracer point with data transfer between probe and receiver by radio signals - Incl. measuring cycle package Inspection Plus Notes: - Custom meas
Calibration device RMP40, Renishaw Calibration device for the workpiece touch probe RMP40 from Renishaw Scope: magnetic base holder and a polished ground calibration ball (Ø 25 mm), packed in a carrying case Note: Only in connection with workpiece touch probe RMP40
3-jaw chuck, BBD 210-66, make SMW 3-jaw power clamping chuck with through-hole, type BBD 210/66, make SMW-Autoblok, incl. connecting elements
3-jaw chuck, BBD 210-66, make SMW 3-jaw power clamping chuck with through-hole, type BBD 210/66, make SMW-Autoblok, incl. connecting elements
3D data model of working area on CD (Step a.IGES). 3D data model of working area of specified machine as data format Step and IGES. Delivery of 3D data model will be by CD.
Digital Manufacturing Package Digital Manufacturing Package (1) IoTconnector Allows the use of the Online services from DMG MORI (2) Machine Data Connector (MDC) Standardized machine data interface Protocols: OPCUA, MTConnect, MQTT (3) NETservice Qualified support through internet-b
Service Agent Service Agent Overview of all maintenance work on the machine
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- Compound slides with turning/milling spindle as integrated spindle motor, with hydr. locking at turning acceptance HSK-63A DIN 69893 - Y-axis ± 100 mm - B-axis ±110° with pneumatic locking - Tools magazin disc with 1x24 positions - Absolute direct gauging system in the X, Y, Z linear axes - Coolant pump 5 bar; 20l/min - Cooling system for spindle motor, turning/milling spindle, B-axis torque motor - USB interface, Ethernet interface; Control: CELOS with Siemens 840D sl Operate
Working area
Swing diameter over guide ways 500 mm
Turning diameter 500 mm
Max. Turning Length 800 mm
Bar diameter max. 65 mm
Work spindle (left)
Spindle nose Flat flange
Diametre of spindle nose 170h5 mm
Spindle bore 87 mm
Spindle diametre on front bearing 130 mm
Main drive 1
Drive power (100% DC) 25 kW
Speed range - 5000 rpm
Drive power (40% DC) 32 kW
Torque (100% DC) 280 Nm
Max. torque (40% DC) 360 Nm
Torque of C-Axis (holding torque) 280 Nm
C-Axis Speed -5000 rpm
Turning-milling spindle
Spindle taper HSK-A 63 DIN 69893
Spindle speed -12000 rpm
Drive power (100% DC) 19 kW
Drive power (40% DC) 22 kW
Torque (100% DC) 85 Nm
Torque (40% DC) 100 Nm
locking moment 1000 Nm
Floor space/Weight
Dimensions (L x W x H) 4,78 x 2,2 x 2,02 m
Weight approx. 10000 Kg

5-axis simultaneus machining 5-axis simultaneous machining
Chuck rinsing device, mainspindle Chuck rinsing device for main spindle, outside
Chuck rinsing device, subspindle Chuck rinsing device for subspindle, outside
Counter spindle ISM 52 Counter spindle as integrated spindle motor ISM 52 (instead of tailstock) - Sync motor - Drive power (100%/40% d.c.) 12.5/14.5 KW (16.76/19.44 hp) - Torque (100%/40% d.c.) 170/200 Nm 125.37/147.5 lbft - Speed range 0-6000 rpm - Partial hollow clampin
Reinforced coolant pump, 5 - 20 bar Reinforced coolant pump, 5 - 20 bar, adjustable with frequency variation in addition to the standard pump
Extension of the discharge chute about 300 mm Extension of the discharge chute D5352871 at the chip conveyor D5352871 about 300 mm
Hinged type chip conveyor Hinged typ chip conveyor incl. coolant tank and coolant pump, 6 bar (87 psi)/20 litre/min
Renishaw Powerprobe Reporter App for CELOS Renishaw Powerprobe Reporter App Easy monitoring of geometrical tolerances
Workpiece touch probe RMP40, Renishaw Workpiece touch probe RMP40, Renishaw - Interchangeable in turning/milling spindle - Probe reception and tracer point with data transfer between probe and receiver by radio signals - Incl. measuring cycle package Inspection Plus Notes: - Custom meas
Calibration device RMP40, Renishaw Calibration device for the workpiece touch probe RMP40 from Renishaw Scope: magnetic base holder and a polished ground calibration ball (Ø 25 mm), packed in a carrying case Note: Only in connection with workpiece touch probe RMP40
3-jaw chuck, BBD 210-66, make SMW 3-jaw power clamping chuck with through-hole, type BBD 210/66, make SMW-Autoblok, incl. connecting elements
3-jaw chuck, BBD 210-66, make SMW 3-jaw power clamping chuck with through-hole, type BBD 210/66, make SMW-Autoblok, incl. connecting elements
3D data model of working area on CD (Step a.IGES). 3D data model of working area of specified machine as data format Step and IGES. Delivery of 3D data model will be by CD.
Digital Manufacturing Package Digital Manufacturing Package (1) IoTconnector Allows the use of the Online services from DMG MORI (2) Machine Data Connector (MDC) Standardized machine data interface Protocols: OPCUA, MTConnect, MQTT (3) NETservice Qualified support through internet-b
Service Agent Service Agent Overview of all maintenance work on the machine

seller offer No. resale 071669
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DMG MORI Used Machines GmbH

Pani Kerstin Bauer
82538 Geretsried

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