Numer pozycji: 164868810 jest usuwane z bazy danych!

10 podobne maszyny:

Rok produkcji: 2008
TOP Sprzedawca: Land-at Heindl Handels GmbH

Linia do naprawy płyt z dwukońcową linią profilowania w TOP ZUSTAND ! Parametry fabryczne płyt: Min. : 900 mm x 200 mm Staerke min. : 17 mm Max. 5000 mm x 1250 mm Staerke max.: 60 mm Waga: max. 150 kg Dokładność: +/- 0,2 mm Moc: Portale mają maks. Wyjście rowerowe max. 6 cykli/min Maksymalna moc części wynosi: 18 części /min (linia DEP) roku w roku budowy 2008 Stan: DOBRY (nowa cena linii 2008 Euro 4.9 mio) Składający się z: Stacja zadań z rolkami zadań, Automatyczny stół do podnoszenia podciśnienia do obciążenia do 6 m Foerderanlagen Linia naprawcza 1 Stacja tokarza Certyfikat transferu Linia naprawcza 2 automatyczny podnośnik próżniowy do uk ...

Maszyna: HOMAG mit Perske Motoren
Cena: 1.450 €

Unit construction kit, format processing unit, cutting unit, milling unit, profile milling unit, jointing milling unit, trimming unit, double-end profiler, edge processing machine, scoring motor, chipper motor, milling motor for edge processing machine -HOMAG milling unit allows you to pre-mill the upper and lower edge overhang -with keying: from 1 side each -1x engines Perske -Power: 1.125 kW -Voltage: 165 volts -Frequency: 300 Hz -Speed: 18000 rpm -1x engines Perske -Power: 1.5 kW -Voltage: 165 volts -Frequency: 300 Hz -Speed: 18000 rpm -Other engines with other services in stock for an additional charge -Dimensions: 500/340/H600 mm -Weight: 50 kg

Maszyna: HOMAG mit 2 Perske Motor
Cena: 2.350 €

Modular unit, format processing unit, cutting unit, milling unit, profile milling unit, jointing milling unit, trimming unit, double-end profiler, edge processing machine, scoring motor, chipper motor, milling motor for edge processing machine -HOMAG milling unit for joint milling -with heavy dovetail guide -Milling unit: swiveling -2x engines Perske -Motor 1 type: KNS 71.16/201 -Power: 4.4/6.6 kW -Voltage: 220/380/380 volts -Frequency: 50/100 Hz -Speed: 2860/5870 rpm -Motor 2 type: MP-10-L -Power: 1.0/1.5 kW -Voltage: 220/380/380 volts -Frequency: 50/100 Hz -Speed: 3000/6000 rpm -Other engines with other services in stock for an additional charge -Number: 1x joint milling units available - ...

Maszyna: HOMAG mit Perske Motor
Cena: 1.950 €

Modular unit, format processing unit, cutting unit, milling unit, profile milling unit, jointing milling unit, trimming unit, double-end profiler, edge processing machine, scoring motor, chipper motor, milling motor for edge processing machine -HOMAG milling unit for joint milling -with heavy dovetail guide -Milling unit: swiveling -1x engines Perske -Motor type: KCS 70.12-2D -Power: 3.0/4.4 kW -Voltage: 220/380/380 volts -Frequency: 50/100 Hz -Speed: 2880/5880 rpm -Other engines with other services in stock for an additional charge -Dimensions: 1150/600/H1330 mm -Weight: 346 kg

Maszyna: HOMAG mit 2 Perske Motor
Cena: 2.350 €

Modular unit, format processing unit, cutting unit, milling unit, profile milling unit, jointing milling unit, trimming unit, double-end profiler, edge processing machine, scoring motor, chipper motor, milling motor for edge processing machine -HOMAG milling unit for joint milling -with heavy dovetail guide -Milling unit: swiveling -2x engines Perske -Motor type: KNS 70 12/2 -Power: 3/4.4 kW -Voltage: 220/380/380 volts -Frequency: 50/100 Hz -Speed: 2880/5880 rpm -Other engines with other services in stock for an additional charge -Number: 2x premilling units available -Price: per piece -Dimensions: 1120/1100/H1340 mm -Weight: 530 kg

Maszyna: HOMAG mit Perske Motor
Cena: 1.950 €

Modular unit, format processing unit, cutting unit, milling unit, profile milling unit, jointing milling unit, trimming unit, double-end profiler, edge processing machine, scoring motor, chipper motor, milling motor for edge processing machine -HOMAG milling unit for joint milling -with heavy dovetail guide -Milling unit: swiveling -1x engines Perske -Motor type: KNS 70 12/2 -Power: 3/4.4 kW -Voltage: 220/380/380 volts -Frequency: 50/100 Hz -Speed: 2880/5880 rpm -Other engines with other services in stock for an additional charge -Number: 2x premilling units available -Price: per piece -Dimensions: 970/600/H1050 mm -Weight: 318 kg

Maszyna: HOMAG mit Perske Motor
Cena: 1.950 €

Modular unit, format processing unit, cutting unit, milling unit, profile milling unit, jointing milling unit, trimming unit, double-end profiler, edge processing machine, scoring motor, chipper motor, milling motor for edge processing machine -HOMAG milling unit for joint milling -with heavy dovetail guide -Milling unit: swiveling -1x engines Perske -Motor type: illegible -Power: kW -Voltage: volts -Frequency: Hz -Speed: rpm -Other engines with other services in stock for an additional charge -Dimensions: 1100/700/H1250 mm -Weight: 354 kg

Maszyna: HOMAG mit Perske Motor
Cena: 1.950 €

Unit construction kit, format processing unit, cutting unit, milling unit, profile milling unit, jointing milling unit, trimming unit, double-end profiler, edge processing machine, scoring motor, chipper motor, milling motor for edge processing machine -HOMAG milling unit for joint milling -with heavy dovetail guide -Milling unit: swiveling -1x engines Perske -Motor type: KCS 70.12-2D -Power: 2.7/4.5 kW -Voltage: 220/380/380 volts -Frequency: 50/100 Hz -Speed: 2860/5860 rpm -Other engines with other services in stock for an additional charge -Dimensions: 1060/660/H1010 mm -Weight: 326 kg

Maszyna: HOMAG mit Perske Motor
Cena: 1.950 €

Unit construction kit, format processing unit, cutting unit, milling unit, profile milling unit, jointing milling unit, trimming unit, double-end profiler, edge processing machine, scoring motor, chipper motor, milling motor for edge processing machine -HOMAG milling unit for joint milling -with heavy dovetail guide -Milling unit: swiveling -1x engines Perske -Motor type: KCS 70.12-2D -Power: 3.0/4.4 kW -Voltage: 220/380/380 volts -Frequency: 50/100 Hz -Speed: 2860/5860 rpm -Other engines with other services in stock for an additional charge -Dimensions: 1100/600/H1330 mm -Weight: 340 kg

Maszyna: HOMAG HC010  Flash Prom 3-012-05-2040
TOP Sprzedawca: Surplex GmbH
Lokalizacja:: 33397 Rietberg
Cena: 30 €

Software HC010 with Flash Prom 3-012-05-2040 for the Homatic Mini PLC 220x120x100 mm 1 kg unchecked loaded on truck ...

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