Żuraw obrotowy naścienny DEMAG 500 Kg

maszyny do obsługi mechanicznej, sprzęt do przechowywania / dźwigi

Producent: DEMAG

Model:500 Kg

Typ maszyny: Żuraw obrotowy naścienny

Numer pozycji: 156641923

Ilość: 1

Data: 11.03.2025

Rok produkcji: 1976

Lokalizacja: Land-de Niemcy Dorsten


Maszyna w magazynie:Tak


arm length: 4000 mm
weight max. in kg: 500 kg
swivelling range: . Grad
total power requirement: kW
weight of the machine ca.: t
dimensions of the machine ca.: m
44 with wall bracket The techn. Data are manufacturer or operator information and are therefore not binding for us. We reserve the right to prior sale, only our M5324244 terms and conditions apply.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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arm length: 4000 mm
weight max. in kg: 500 kg
swivelling range: . Grad
total power requirement: kW
weight of the machine ca.: t
dimensions of the machine ca.: m
44 with wall bracket The techn. Data are manufacturer or operator information and are therefore not binding for us. We reserve the right to prior sale, only our M5324244 terms and conditions M5324244 apply.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1077-03543
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RESALE członek od 2008

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więcej Demag 500 Kg + similar Demag-Model

1999 DEMAGERGOtech pro 500-270
2003 DEMAGET 500/900 - 5200
2007 DEMAGErgotech 150/500-610 system
2004 DEMAGErgotech concept 500-200
2008 DEMAGSystem 500/900-3300
1992 DEMAGDK5-500-K-V1F4 1350 EUR
1999 DEMAGDKUN 10-500-K-V3 F6 2200 EUR
1976 DEMAG500 kg
2001 DEMAGErgotech 150/500-840 Concept

Cena: sold Demag 500 Kg + podobne Demag-Model

1996 DEMAGSchwenkkran bis 500 kg 800 EUR [May 2017]
2007 DEMAGSSK KBK 500 kg 1400 EUR [Nov 2021]
2004 DEMAGDKUN 5-500 K V1 F4 2500 EUR [Nov 2010]
2013 DEMAGDC-COM 5-500 800 EUR [Aug 2018]
2007 DEMAGD-AS270 500 KG 1400 EUR [Nov 2021]
2008 DEMAGTyp: SK11-46 / 500 kg 1390 EUR [Nov 2012]
DEMAGDemag 500 350 EUR [Sep 2018]
1997 DEMAG500-80 Ergotech NC4 6850 EUR [May 2014]
1991 DEMAG500 kg 3900 EUR [Dec 2020]
DEMAGDKS- 500 K V1 F4 1500 EUR [Nov 2010]
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