Dmuchawy AERZEN Delta Hybrid D12H DN100 - Blower

technologia procesów prcetwórzych / maszyny i urządzenia dla inżynierii procesowej

Producent: AERZEN

Model:Delta Hybrid D12H DN100 - Blower

Typ maszyny: Dmuchawy

Numer pozycji: 164197527

Ilość: 1

Data: 11.03.2025

Rok produkcji:

Lokalizacja: Land-nl Holandia Barneveld The Netherlands


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General SKU435U1420 LocationBarneveld MakeAerzen TypeDelta Hybrid D12H DN100 Year of construction2012 Pressure Pressure buildup1.5 Bar Main Features Capacity17.3 m3/Min Motor37 KW Pressure1.5 Bar Specified Features - Blower Blowercheck Capacity655m³/h Motor37 kW, 400/690 Volt, 2965 rpm With air filtercheck With sound absorbercheck OutletDN 100 MaterialMild steel Information Floorspace1,3x1,35 m CEcheck Total height1,50 m Weight511 kgBlowersAerzenBlowers > BlowersBrand > Aerzen What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine F5352068 is in working condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit us in Barneveld for many more machines!
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General SKU435U1420 LocationBarneveld MakeAerzen TypeDelta Hybrid D12H DN100 Year of construction2012 Pressure Pressure buildup1.5 Bar Main Features Capacity17.3 m3/Min Motor37 KW Pressure1.5 Bar Specified Features - Blower Blowercheck Capacity655m³/h Motor37 kW, 400/690 Volt, 2965 rpm With air filtercheck With sound absorbercheck OutletDN 100 MaterialMild steel Information Floorspace1,3x1,35 m CEcheck Total height1,50 m Weight511 kgBlowersAerzenBlowers > BlowersBrand > Aerzen What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine F5352068 is in working F5352068 condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit us in Barneveld for many more machines!
seller offer No. resale 435U1420
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Pan A Foeth
3771 Barneveld

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