CO2 레이저 절단기 TRUMPF TruLaser 1030

금속 작업 기계 / 판금 가공


모델:TruLaser 1030

기계의 유형: CO2 레이저 절단기

품목 아니오.: 166541997

양: 1

날짜: 26.03.2025

제조 연도: 2011

위치: Land-DE 독일



This TRUMPF TruLaser 1030 laser cutting machine was manufactured in 2011. It features a CO2-Laser TruCoax 2500 with radio-frequency excitation, integrated chiller unit, and a fully automatic pallet changer. Ideal for high precision processing, it includes a 7.5 lens cutting head with height regulation and sheet edge detection. A robust choice for any shop G5349640 floor with its comprehensive safety features and easy programming capabilities. For more information about this laser cutting machine, please reach out to us.
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This TRUMPF TruLaser 1030 laser cutting machine was manufactured in 2011. It features a CO2-Laser TruCoax 2500 with radio-frequency excitation, integrated chiller unit, and a fully automatic pallet changer. Ideal for high precision processing, it includes a 7.5 lens cutting head with height regulation and sheet edge detection. A robust choice for any shop G5349640 floor with its comprehensive G5349640 safety features and easy programming capabilities. For more information about this laser cutting machine, please reach out to us.
seller offer No. resale DE-LAS-TRU-2011-00009
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Mr Borja Garcia
67663 Kaiserslautern

RESALE 구성원 이래 2017

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