수평 터닝 머신 INDEX ABC 65

금속 작업 기계 / 선반

생산자: INDEX

모델:ABC 65

기계의 유형: 수평 터닝 머신

품목 아니오.: 166541533

양: 1

날짜: 15.03.2025

제조 연도: 2000

위치: Land-DE 독일



This Index ABC 65 horizontal turning machine was manufactured in 2000. It features a robust tool carrier with two turrets, supporting a variety of tools and operations. Key specs include a maximum rod diameter of 52mm, rapid traverse rates up to 24 m/min, and a synchronized spindle with a clamping diameter of 42mm. Ideal for precision tasks, G5349640 the machine also includes a chip conveyor and a Siemens control unit. For more information about this horizontal turning machine, please reach out to us.
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This Index ABC 65 horizontal turning machine was manufactured in 2000. It features a robust tool carrier with two turrets, supporting a variety of tools and operations. Key specs include a maximum rod diameter of 52mm, rapid traverse rates up to 24 m/min, and a synchronized spindle with a clamping diameter of 42mm. Ideal for precision tasks, G5349640 the machine also includes a chip G5349640 conveyor and a Siemens control unit. For more information about this horizontal turning machine, please reach out to us.
seller offer No. resale DE-TUR-IND-2000-00002
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Mr Borja Garcia
67663 Kaiserslautern

RESALE 구성원 이래 2017

  • 컴퓨터 목록 (1258)


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더 Index ABC 65 + similar Index-모델

1999 INDEXABC 42
2003 INDEXABC Speed Line
2007 INDEXABC 65

값: sold Index ABC 65 + 비슷한 Index-모델

1995 INDEXABC 42 25900 EUR [Jan 2015]
2003 INDEXABC 27900 EUR [Dec 2019]
1997 INDEXABC 65 31000 EUR [May 2016]
2000 INDEXIndex ABC(52)60 40000 EUR [Sep 2014]
2015 INDEXABC 60 109900 EUR [Feb 2022]
1995 INDEXABC 60 Speedline 27500 EUR [Jul 2019]
1996 INDEXABC C200-4 29500 EUR [Mar 2015]
1997 INDEXABC 42 28500 EUR [Jan 2022]
2003 INDEXABC 12000 EUR [Apr 2017]
2000 INDEXABC 30000 EUR [Nov 2014]
... 보다 더 값 로그인