Linea Panini Combi WP Selecta Modular V45

macchine per l'industria alimentare / macchine per il pane e di pasticceria

Fabbricante: WP

Modello:Selecta Modular V45

Tipo di macchina: Linea Panini Combi

Numero di articolo: 165423941

Quantità: 1

Data: 11.03.2025

Anno di fabbricazione: 2018

Luogo: Land-de Germania Opelstr. 29, 64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf, Deutschland



Bread Roll Line Combi WP Selecta Modular V45

Year of construction: 2018

Condition: checked & cleaned

Dough divider and rounder, type: Multimatic MUC 5-row

3/4/5 row, combined roll line for the production of shaped rolls and long-rolled products, sliced and unsliced

Working width: 600 mm

Weight range: 35-85 g (piston diameter: 50 mm)

Hourly capacity: 4500 pieces

Proofer duration: 12 min

Green operation mode possible without passing A5325287 proofer

Adjustable flour duster

Sterilization station

Exhaust fan to correct the prover climate

Switchable hanger drying and stiffening fan

Programmable panning machine

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Bread Roll Line Combi WP Selecta Modular V45

Year of construction: 2018

Condition: checked & cleaned

Dough divider and rounder, type: Multimatic MUC 5-row

3/4/5 row, combined roll line for the production of shaped rolls and long-rolled products, sliced and unsliced

Working width: 600 mm

Weight range: 35-85 g (piston diameter: 50 mm)

Hourly capacity: 4500 pieces

Proofer duration: 12 min

Green operation mode possible without passing A5325287 proofer

A5325287 Adjustable flour duster

Sterilization station

Exhaust fan to correct the prover climate

Switchable hanger drying and stiffening fan

Programmable panning machine

seller offer No. resale ART2919
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Altuntas GmbH Bäckereimaschinen

64546 Walldorf-Mörfelden

RESALE membro dato che 2007

  • elenco macchine (156)


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